Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mushy Monday

So Tommy got an Ipad for his birthday/Christmas/surgery recovery from his very gracious Aunt Jennifer and mommy has been having a lot of fun with it! So much fun that I rarely use the laptop any more which has resulted in me neglecting the blog! So sorry! I will try to do better.

I'll start with a quick update on life and then get to the mushy part. Tommy is still recovering beautifully form his heart surgery, you would never even know he had it. My pregnancy is going really well, I'll be 36 weeks Tuesday! Which by the way seems a little insane! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by and last week I would have sworn I was having this baby before May even came but I feel like I'm starting to settle down a little bit. The Lord has been extremely kind to me in this pregnancy and even still I am feeling ready to have my body more back to normal, even though with nursing and post baby it doesn't feel really normal. And I did have contractions and just exhaustion many times last week. I don't like having a lot to do and physically feeling like I just simply can't do it. And also thinking ahead to, well if I do all of this today I need to realize I'm going to be feeling it tomorrow. Oh in other news I'm now the mom to a two year old! Hello! Where did that come from?! And I just turned 26. Lots of big things happening in this household. I'll have to do a big Tommy post for his 2nd birthday this week! But I don't want to get too off track here.

During this pregnancy/time in my life I have been feeling even closer to my sweet husband Kyle. The other day I just thought about the first time I saw him, the first time we talked, the first time he remembers us talking, etc. I LOVE to think back to that. I find it so amazing that God is sitting in heaven, knowing, "Oh they're getting married some day!" when I'm thinking, "He's cute! Who is he?" haha! Oh goodness and how shallow but fun interacting with your spouse was before you really knew them! Goodness gracious I would get so gitty at Kyle's arm touching my arm b/c we were sitting close to each other when I first met him! Now I have the privilege and joy of getting to sleep next to him every night and I love it! I say that our interactions were shallow back then not to sound negative but b/c until you're married and even have children together - basically just experiencing things in life together over time - you don't know how much you are going to appreciate and love someone. And obviously you can't know that but it's such a fun journey! I really enjoy watching Kyle with Tommy. It has been such a big and obvious example for me to see him grow, change, and mature as a person. Kyle has always liked kids, but he's more of a three years old and up kind of person, b/c kids are easier to play with and interact and of course pick on at that age. I can see how Kyle's comfort level with infants and toddlers has grown immensely and how intentional he is to play and love on Tommy. Can I just say that is extremely attractive in a spouse too! I am so thankful that Kyle is my husband and the father of my children - he is so good at it. He's very calm, level headed, fun, funny, and he balances me out very well. While I give Kyle a hard time b/c there are a lot of the parenting aspects he does not partake in unless forced to, such as changing diapers or feeding or getting up during the night, there is so much that he does that I am so grateful for! He is by no means perfect and he'll tell you I'm not either but he is in fact a wonderful husband and father! I love to think back to how silly, naive, and gitty we were when we dated in college and I am very excited as I look to our future to see how the Lord uses this coming baby to grow and change Kyle even more.

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