Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mushy Monday

There will be two mushy stories in one post today! I have to make up from last week! And they are unrelated so it really is two mushy moments/memories I will always cherish!

First let's start with the fact my baby boy is now a walker! I'm pretty sure it's safe to say he "walks" now. He took his first steps on Valentine's day and has taken many steps since then, but up until this week scooting was still his preferred choice of transportation. Well not any more! I have dreamt about this time in his life since he was an infant. Not so much in a way that I couldn't wait for him to do it, I just imagined what it would be like. What it would be like to walk down the hallway and then turn around to find a little person standing behind me, following me in my tracks. Well this week I experienced that and it melted my heart! It's a little creepy at times but it makes me smile. I will literally see a little shadow quickly walking sometimes and then follows my little man! It is absolutely precious. And I thank the Lord that my son has been able to learn this skill even if at a delayed pace - some mamas never get to see their children walk. It has taken Tommy a longer transition from taking his first steps, back in February, to actually walking. But his physical therapist wasn't too concerned b/c obviously he had heart surgery not even a week after his first steps and that puts a little delay in there. His PT suggested getting him in the habit of walking to do a daily routine, such as walking to his high chair during meal time. Well I tried this and it ended in a screeching baby refusing to stand and kicking his feet. Meal time has not been his favorite lately with his two year old molars coming in and the confinement of a high chair. No worries a booster seat has been ordered and hopefully that will make meal time a little more exciting. (P.S. - it's a super cute booster seat, looks like a turtle!) Anyhow this week I finally found a routine that he LOVES. After we change a wet diaper (which is the majority) he carries it to the trash can and throws it away! He holds onto one of my fingers while we do it and if he drops the diaper (which happens a lot) he bends his knees and picks it up, this is really good practice for him too b/c he's shifting his weight and practicing bending over (something he's not a big fan of, he'd rather sit down, pick it up, and stand back up - but he's doing awesome bending over to pick up his diaper). He loves throwing it in the trash can, then I throw him in the air, tell him good job (really high pitched), and we clap! The boy could not be prouder of himself! I've started asking him when I'm done changing him, "Wanna throw away your diaper?" and he gladly responds with a smile and affirmative noise. That is also something big he's been doing this week - he basically says "yeah" sometimes really clear others a little jumbled but you know when he wants something. He kind of giggles, says a "yeah" and smiles real big. And of course it's followed by a sign for please (mainly at our request) - the boys got to learn manners! So our big boy is now walking around the house, walking more than scooting, following us around! The other night I was on the phone with my mom, clearly not paying the ample amount of attention to my sweet pea, and he stands up out of no where and starts walking towards his daddy's office. Walks right in, goes up to the desk and walks around to Kyle. He knew where he wanted to go and who he wanted to see, and he went! So independent! I am a very proud and joyful mama! He is just getting so big!

Okay Mushy story number two! Completely different. So I'm sure everybody has their routine whenever they take a shower or get ready for bed at night (I realize some people prefer to shower in the morning, but after you shower you usually have a routine - brush your hair, put lotion on your arms or face, etc.) Well part of my after shower or nightly routine is to spray my perfume on. And I know exactly why I do it. My mom did it. I slept with my mom a lot when I was younger b/c I was an extremely fearful kid and she made me feel safe. And she used to take (and still does) baths at night and she would always smell like her perfume at night. It was a comforting thing for me. At one point when I was in elementary school she was in nursing school and had to work nights. So I would take her perfume and spray it on her pillow b/c I missed her. So tonight I was getting ready for bed & I noticed I sprayed a couple of squirts of perfume on - not that Kyle even notices b/c I'm going to sleep - hello sounds like a waste of perfume. But it makes me think of my mom and I liked how it made her pillow smell like her. I don't wear the same perfume as her but I still love the memory and maybe that memory will stick with my kids someday too (even though they aren't allowed to sleep with us, my mom was nicer than me and my dad very sacrificial - when she worked nights he would sleep on the floor next to their bed so I could sleep on my mom's pillow in their bed...spoiled?! NOT ME! ;) But isn't it funny how I'm now 26 years old and I can vividly remember that from when I was only about 7 - it's crazy to think of what our kids will remember about us in the future. I hope there are many good things that I give Tommy and new little baby to remember and love about me!

And I'll end with our little cutie being a ham:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mushy Monday

I am getting so excited about this little precious baby Marlette that will be here soon! I have been doing lots of laundry, sorting of clothes, reorganizing spaces, and nesting lately! I feel way more prepared, as far as the house goes and clothes go, for this baby than I ever did with Tommy. Obviously I had no idea how/what to prepare for him to come home. We have the pack-n-play all decked out and set up for this little one, it has a bassinet and changing table on top. I washed the swing, bouncy seat, and car seat covers and went through Tommy's old clothes looking for gender neutral options and they are washed and put in the dresser. I have the baby's bag packed, not my own or Kyle's yet but the baby is good to go. We have diapers in the itty bitty precious newborn size. I just bought a couple of new pacifiers for the baby and with some of my birthday money I got a new nursing pillow (just b/c I wanted to have two, one to always keep at home and one to take if we go somewhere, that way if I forget I'll have a back up) and I got a new nursing cover and they are soooo stinking cute! I am thankful that the Lord has given me excitement and joy in preparing for this new one to come b/c up until recently I just felt a little overwhelmed at the prospect of having two little ones but I am sincerely PUMPED and ready to meet little Ella or Silas!

I have started thinking that the baby is a boy/Silas! Kyle and I have joked that the ultrasound pictures, specifically the 4D pictures, make the baby's face look very boyish, but in reality all newborns kind of look boyish so who knows. I have no idea what the heart rate is and in the beginning I thought I was having a girl but about half way through I started having no idea and now I'm thinking boy. The anticipation of not knowing exactly when the baby is coming is exciting and also a little unsettling at times. There's a part of me that would love for everything to happen naturally (meaning no medical reasons to induce, I was induced with Tommy at 38 weeks b/c of high blood pressure, which we really only had about a half of a days notice for that but it was still kind of nice to be able to do some last minute things) and spontaneously but there is a part of me that would like to know when our last little bit as a family of three will be. I have found that I, selfishly, greatly enjoy doing special things to celebrate times/days/events with Tommy and Kyle. Even if it's just planning to get milkshakes and pizza (b/c Tommy loves them, and so do I). I just want to celebrate these two years we've had as a family of three, as Tommy being our first wonderful child, and celebrating the fact that we are growing as a family and welcoming in a new member/child into our home! Oh how fun! We should plan a celebration ahead of time just to make sure we get to do this even if I'm not induced - I'll talk to Kyle about it after I post this :) See I need this blog to type out and plan my thoughts b/c I'm so dang scatter brained!

Selfishly (again) I am also excited to have this baby so I can get my body back to being somewhat normal and hopefully a little more comfortable. I miss comfortable sleep. Trust me I realize I'll be getting less sleep with an infant, but I really look forward to rolling over at night and not feeling like my body is going to split in half down the middle or like I don't need physical assistance to roll over. I have to push off of Kyle's body half the time, so if I roll over 99% of the time I just go ahead and get up to use the restroom b/c it's too much work to waste the momentum I've already used to roll over and not take the opportunity when I know I'm going to have to go later anyway. TMI?! Oh well we all use the bathroom and we all know pregnant women have to go more than others.

I am thrilled at the idea of Tommy being a big brother! I think/know/hope he will be so good at it and love this child so much! I do realize that it might take some time for him to grow attached and protective of his sibling but I think it will be such a sweet experience to watch and to watch over years of life together! Being a parent is so cool, we get to watch these things that they won't even remember, kind of bittersweet, but fun to be the fly on the wall of your childrens' younger years that they won't recall. I am certain that there will be many and I mean MANY discussions of being GENTLE with the baby to Tommy. I have the baby swing and bouncy seat out in the family room with all Tommy's toys. I wanted him to get used to seeing them and kind of play with them so he isn't quite as interested once the baby is here in them. He likes to put his stuffed animals in there but then he likes to swing the swing really hard or shake the bouncy seat violently. Yeah, here's to hoping that gets out of his system before his brother or sister is actually in them. Gentle should be one of the first words out of this boys mouth by the time he starts talking.

I hope and I pray that this new sweet little one will fit into our family well! And having Tommy, who is such a fun and wonderful kid, has really encouraged me in the joy of what it will be like to expand our family - b/c I think of how much he has enriched our lives and if that happens with every kid, what a blessing that will be!