Monday, May 7, 2012

Mushy Monday

I am getting so excited about this little precious baby Marlette that will be here soon! I have been doing lots of laundry, sorting of clothes, reorganizing spaces, and nesting lately! I feel way more prepared, as far as the house goes and clothes go, for this baby than I ever did with Tommy. Obviously I had no idea how/what to prepare for him to come home. We have the pack-n-play all decked out and set up for this little one, it has a bassinet and changing table on top. I washed the swing, bouncy seat, and car seat covers and went through Tommy's old clothes looking for gender neutral options and they are washed and put in the dresser. I have the baby's bag packed, not my own or Kyle's yet but the baby is good to go. We have diapers in the itty bitty precious newborn size. I just bought a couple of new pacifiers for the baby and with some of my birthday money I got a new nursing pillow (just b/c I wanted to have two, one to always keep at home and one to take if we go somewhere, that way if I forget I'll have a back up) and I got a new nursing cover and they are soooo stinking cute! I am thankful that the Lord has given me excitement and joy in preparing for this new one to come b/c up until recently I just felt a little overwhelmed at the prospect of having two little ones but I am sincerely PUMPED and ready to meet little Ella or Silas!

I have started thinking that the baby is a boy/Silas! Kyle and I have joked that the ultrasound pictures, specifically the 4D pictures, make the baby's face look very boyish, but in reality all newborns kind of look boyish so who knows. I have no idea what the heart rate is and in the beginning I thought I was having a girl but about half way through I started having no idea and now I'm thinking boy. The anticipation of not knowing exactly when the baby is coming is exciting and also a little unsettling at times. There's a part of me that would love for everything to happen naturally (meaning no medical reasons to induce, I was induced with Tommy at 38 weeks b/c of high blood pressure, which we really only had about a half of a days notice for that but it was still kind of nice to be able to do some last minute things) and spontaneously but there is a part of me that would like to know when our last little bit as a family of three will be. I have found that I, selfishly, greatly enjoy doing special things to celebrate times/days/events with Tommy and Kyle. Even if it's just planning to get milkshakes and pizza (b/c Tommy loves them, and so do I). I just want to celebrate these two years we've had as a family of three, as Tommy being our first wonderful child, and celebrating the fact that we are growing as a family and welcoming in a new member/child into our home! Oh how fun! We should plan a celebration ahead of time just to make sure we get to do this even if I'm not induced - I'll talk to Kyle about it after I post this :) See I need this blog to type out and plan my thoughts b/c I'm so dang scatter brained!

Selfishly (again) I am also excited to have this baby so I can get my body back to being somewhat normal and hopefully a little more comfortable. I miss comfortable sleep. Trust me I realize I'll be getting less sleep with an infant, but I really look forward to rolling over at night and not feeling like my body is going to split in half down the middle or like I don't need physical assistance to roll over. I have to push off of Kyle's body half the time, so if I roll over 99% of the time I just go ahead and get up to use the restroom b/c it's too much work to waste the momentum I've already used to roll over and not take the opportunity when I know I'm going to have to go later anyway. TMI?! Oh well we all use the bathroom and we all know pregnant women have to go more than others.

I am thrilled at the idea of Tommy being a big brother! I think/know/hope he will be so good at it and love this child so much! I do realize that it might take some time for him to grow attached and protective of his sibling but I think it will be such a sweet experience to watch and to watch over years of life together! Being a parent is so cool, we get to watch these things that they won't even remember, kind of bittersweet, but fun to be the fly on the wall of your childrens' younger years that they won't recall. I am certain that there will be many and I mean MANY discussions of being GENTLE with the baby to Tommy. I have the baby swing and bouncy seat out in the family room with all Tommy's toys. I wanted him to get used to seeing them and kind of play with them so he isn't quite as interested once the baby is here in them. He likes to put his stuffed animals in there but then he likes to swing the swing really hard or shake the bouncy seat violently. Yeah, here's to hoping that gets out of his system before his brother or sister is actually in them. Gentle should be one of the first words out of this boys mouth by the time he starts talking.

I hope and I pray that this new sweet little one will fit into our family well! And having Tommy, who is such a fun and wonderful kid, has really encouraged me in the joy of what it will be like to expand our family - b/c I think of how much he has enriched our lives and if that happens with every kid, what a blessing that will be!

1 comment:

  1. This was fun to read :) I'm feeling the anticipation for you and all that you have to look forward to!
