Sunday, May 19, 2013

My calling into a life of entertainment

I never expected to be an entertainer for a living, you know singing and dancing to make others happy.  But then God blessed with me with two beautiful boys who demanded it from me! The other day I was singing to Silas to get him to eat his baby food and I realized I might do more singing through out my day than an act in Vegas! Haha! Vegas has got nothing on me ;)

We have our daily dance parties and sing alongside, Silas is even starting to try and imitate the motions which is beyond adorable! These boys keep my days entertaining and silly to say the least. Thank The Lord for curtains so no one else witnesses my insane mommy behavior.  Overall I love it! I love the singing and dancing.  Sometimes it gets old and sometimes I get tired, or Ella gets tired, or both, especially with dance parties. I have two handsome dance partners who love to take turns being held while dancing cheek to cheek or spinning and running around the room.  Oh please tell me there won't be a day when my sons don't want to dance crazy with their mama! That's unheard of.

Some other sweet things from this week, Silas now folds his hands when we pray! Doll baby!  He is also going to cause me to start having gray hair.  He is all boy! Climbing and falling off of things, and I have to let him fall sometimes so he can learn to stop doing what he's doing.  That is so against my nature and gives me a put in my stomach when I watch, he's always fine and that's part of the problem.  He LOVES to climb in and out of Tom's car bed, he can climb in great because he lands on a mattress.  The climbing out is a different story, he basically teeter totters over the edge with his body planked straight like a board and falls on his face.  He doesn't cry, he doesn't care, but mommy hates it! I have tried teaching him better ways but really he just isn't tall enough yet, so I supervise his falls/face plants.  Silas is also starting to respond to discipline, discipline to our family can be anything from talking sternly to a spanking.  And let me tell you this boy it testing the waters! He can now climb up into Tommy and his chair, the adorable ones from Pottery Barn.  Well he likes to stand in it, at first we just let him stand in it but then it was apparent he's not quite old enough to be aware of his surroundings, and that falling backwards over the arm rest isn't gonna work out well.  So he works real hard, climbs up in it, and E.V.E.R.Y. Single time he will turn to look at you to see if you're watching to see if he can stand up.  He has such a mischievous look I his eye too. I think he's going to give us a run for our money!

My sweet husband picked me flowers from outside this week! They are beautiful and smell so good! It was very thoughtful and sacrificial, he was wounded multiple times in the process because they all had thorns.  He did an awesome job arranging them too.  He's cute. I like him a lot.

My Tommy boy is just growing like a weed! He is such a big boy and I cherish all the hugs and kisses and snuggles I get from him every day! He has started to give really good hugs and completely on his own he will gently go up and wrap his arms around Silas to hug him. Melt my heart! He also wants to hold Silas now, Silas doesn't enjoy it and it's hilarious because they're so close in size Silas looks like he's squishing Tommy. Oh Ella girl you are in for a treat!

I love my boys and I can't wait to meet my girl! Correction I can wait, I'm just looking forward to it!

Friday, May 10, 2013

To be or not to be surprised?!

Well with both Tommy and Silas we did not find out their gender before they entered into the world. This time around we wanted to change things up and find out if we were having a boy or girl and see what it was like.  Well as most of you know we are blessed with a sweet baby girl, Ella Christine!  I am absolutely thrilled!  I was hoping for a girl, Kyle was hoping for a boy so he could have the trifecta! He said his first thought when he heard it was a girl was "boyfriends". Which is hilarious b/c neither of us even remotely thought that would be what would run through his mind.  Kyle will most definitely be protective of his little girl but it isn't something he has really put much thought into.  We both got a good kick out of that.

So basically the reason we decided to find out this time was b/c we had never found out before and to see if it helped us feel a closer bond to the baby before she was born.  As of right now Kyle and I both prefer finding out while pregnant!  I am somewhat shocked at this.  The actual moment of finding out was fun but also short lived.  So that part made question initially if I liked it better.  Overall I love being able to call her by name, and teaching the boys her name.  I love being able to have clothes ready.  I love knowing her a little better than I would have if we were surprised at her birth.  I do think the anticipation of finding out when you have them is fun, so I'll update at some point after she is born how I felt afterwards.

Ella girl is doing great so far.  I am currently 22 weeks along and she weighs about one pound.  She is a wiggle worm and has some beautiful big ears!  I told Kyle if they're real big when she comes out we might have to change her name from Ella - b/c it's close to the word elephant.  But I'm not worried, they look ADORABLE!  She does have or possibly has what they call an echogenic focus in her heart.  It is of no consequence to her hearts function - it's basically a bright spot in her heart that is a mineral deposit.  It used to be a sign of possible chromosomal issues in the past, but is no longer seen as a connection.  Anyhow b/c of that we did go ahead with the new and wonderful testing they have for DS - our doc called it the Harmony test.  It is non-intrusive and is very accurate.  All they did was take a little blood from my arm and within ten days we had the results, which came back great!  A lot of people ask us how we feel about testing for DS after having Tommy, whom we had no testing done with.  Our views on testing have definitely changed.  Accurate, non-intrusive testing seems like a wonderful option to us.  That is with the disclaimer you are not having the test done to decide if you want an abortion.  If it is simply to get prepared, prepare yourselves, your family, and most importantly doctors for the birth - then we think it's good.   I'm not really sure why anyone would have an amniocentesis any more - if it is a possible harm for your child - no way jose!  Anyway back to Ella and her heart bright spot - we had a special ultrasound with a high risk doctor - he said he isn't worried about it and doesn't even know if he would fully classify it as an echogenic focus.  They don't think she has any health issues from what they can see. 

What's funny is Silas had what is called choroid plexus cysts on his brain when he was in the womb - again of no consequence to the brains function or development but an old sign of DS.  It basically increased his chances of having DS from 1% to 2%.  They often go away towards the end of the pregnancy, and his did.  The new Harmony test was not available back then, as far as we know, and the doctors did not think he had DS.  Anyway the funny part is both Silas and Ella have had some sort of little red flag that might point to DS and Tommy had none!  I think that's so interesting!  The doctors have said that as technology gets more high tech they are able to see so much more, so sometimes they see things that are nothing, but they check it out just to be sure - and for that we are grateful.  And we love to see our babies as they grow in the womb!

In other news - I have a three year old?! Say what?! Yep and he's as cute as ever! He is getting so big - he just moved up to some 2T clothes! Woo woo - I know other mom's are like, huh - my kid wore those when he was one year old.  Well a perk to a kid with DS - they wear the same size clothes and shoes for a loooong time and it saves us money honey!  Silas is literally starting to wear some of the PJ's that Tommy just outgrew.  He isn't a giant but apparently he's growing faster than Tom did.  Silas boy is almost one year old! Give him 11 days and he's there.  Oh my.  My love for this sweet child just grows immensely as I get to know him better and see his personality more.  Silas is a goofball and just wants to mimic his brother all the time.  He is so smart from watching Tommy and watching us with Tommy.  He's teaching himself sign language. 

Okay I'm off to enjoy the rest of the boys' nap time.