Sunday, May 19, 2013

My calling into a life of entertainment

I never expected to be an entertainer for a living, you know singing and dancing to make others happy.  But then God blessed with me with two beautiful boys who demanded it from me! The other day I was singing to Silas to get him to eat his baby food and I realized I might do more singing through out my day than an act in Vegas! Haha! Vegas has got nothing on me ;)

We have our daily dance parties and sing alongside, Silas is even starting to try and imitate the motions which is beyond adorable! These boys keep my days entertaining and silly to say the least. Thank The Lord for curtains so no one else witnesses my insane mommy behavior.  Overall I love it! I love the singing and dancing.  Sometimes it gets old and sometimes I get tired, or Ella gets tired, or both, especially with dance parties. I have two handsome dance partners who love to take turns being held while dancing cheek to cheek or spinning and running around the room.  Oh please tell me there won't be a day when my sons don't want to dance crazy with their mama! That's unheard of.

Some other sweet things from this week, Silas now folds his hands when we pray! Doll baby!  He is also going to cause me to start having gray hair.  He is all boy! Climbing and falling off of things, and I have to let him fall sometimes so he can learn to stop doing what he's doing.  That is so against my nature and gives me a put in my stomach when I watch, he's always fine and that's part of the problem.  He LOVES to climb in and out of Tom's car bed, he can climb in great because he lands on a mattress.  The climbing out is a different story, he basically teeter totters over the edge with his body planked straight like a board and falls on his face.  He doesn't cry, he doesn't care, but mommy hates it! I have tried teaching him better ways but really he just isn't tall enough yet, so I supervise his falls/face plants.  Silas is also starting to respond to discipline, discipline to our family can be anything from talking sternly to a spanking.  And let me tell you this boy it testing the waters! He can now climb up into Tommy and his chair, the adorable ones from Pottery Barn.  Well he likes to stand in it, at first we just let him stand in it but then it was apparent he's not quite old enough to be aware of his surroundings, and that falling backwards over the arm rest isn't gonna work out well.  So he works real hard, climbs up in it, and E.V.E.R.Y. Single time he will turn to look at you to see if you're watching to see if he can stand up.  He has such a mischievous look I his eye too. I think he's going to give us a run for our money!

My sweet husband picked me flowers from outside this week! They are beautiful and smell so good! It was very thoughtful and sacrificial, he was wounded multiple times in the process because they all had thorns.  He did an awesome job arranging them too.  He's cute. I like him a lot.

My Tommy boy is just growing like a weed! He is such a big boy and I cherish all the hugs and kisses and snuggles I get from him every day! He has started to give really good hugs and completely on his own he will gently go up and wrap his arms around Silas to hug him. Melt my heart! He also wants to hold Silas now, Silas doesn't enjoy it and it's hilarious because they're so close in size Silas looks like he's squishing Tommy. Oh Ella girl you are in for a treat!

I love my boys and I can't wait to meet my girl! Correction I can wait, I'm just looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. This post made me smile! Precious family and precious momma! :)
