Monday, June 24, 2013

Mushy Monday for Christina ;)

So obviously I'm really good at taking time to write blog posts each week.  My cool tatted bff Christina reminded me it had been a while so this is a post written for her.

Speaking of Christina she made sweet Ella a precious tutu! I am seriously soooo excited about having a girl!  Christina made me hair bows, a hair bow board, and now a tutu! I'm thrilled!

Okay so a couple of precious things I want to make sure I document - Silas took his first steps on June 1, 2013 and now as of June 24, 2013 I would say he is officially walking!  He walks more than he crawls.  It has been so fun to see him learn how to walk so quickly, it's a total new experience for us.  With Tommy he took his first steps February 14, 2012 but wasn't really walking until about a week after Silas was born which would have been the end of May 2012.  That's quite a lengthy journey.  And Kyle also got to see Silas' first steps so that was even more fun.  Since Silas is our 2nd kid we also knew some ways to encourage him to walk more, but tried to let him go at his own pace too.  June 1st he took several steps because I tricked him by slipping my fingers out of his hands and then I guess he felt a little betrayed and scared and wouldn't take any more steps for a couple of days.  Silas is a walking champ though!  He can turn completely around standing up, carry heavy toys across the room, and drink from his sippy cup and walk at the same time!  He's got skills!  Silas recently (about a month or so ago) went through a very, very fussy stage - like a 2 week pretty much inconsolable phase.  I was exhausted and sad.  But since then he has returned to himself (it was after his MMRV vaccine and he was teething sheeewweee it was tough) and I am LOVING it/him!  I always, always love him, but I seriously LOVE to enjoy and like being with him!  He has become my little shadow, which most of the time is sweet, and he has turned into quite the snuggler!  Silas is a mama (and nana is also approved) boy, he has specific times when he only wants me, Kyle will not suffice.  Silas makes me laugh, gives precious peck kisses (where he literally is like a bird and will just peck really fast with his mouth closed but lips are not puckered), he walks with his arms out groaning/talking and looks like Frankenstein, he's starting to dance, he just flat melts my heart!  To any moms reading this and not feeling this way about your kid and feeling guilty, please don't think I always feel this way - during those two weeks I was not loving him being a mama's boy, while I knew it wasn't his fault he was acting that way I could not console him in anyway and a person can only listen to so much crying/whining before it starts to wear them down.  But praise God for phases and that these times do not last!  That's what I kept thinking and praying and hoping for - the end of the phase!  I knew it wouldn't be like that forever but in those days it felt like it.  And I sincerely love enjoying my kids!  That and enjoying your husband - nothing better!

On to Tommy boy! My boy is growing up!  Quite literally - he is growing like a weed!  Clothes are getting shorter and shorter on him.  Tom is also my snuggler!  He is starting to make more noises with his mouth and trying to mimic us more and we love to hear him try to talk.  Tommy has become increasingly more interested in playing with Silas but especially now that Silas is walking - Tom totally notices a difference in him.  Silas is apparently much cooler now, who knew?!  One of Tommy's new favorite things to do is to take Kyle's house slippers and put them on his own feet and walk around.  It is adorable (not to mention really good exercise for him b/c his feet are tiny and Kyle's shoes are huge, they're hard for me to walk in).  Anyway it just makes me think of the analogy of how Tommy will want to grow into a man like his daddy, and want to fill his shoes some day.  What a precious site to see two of the skinniest little legs and feet coming from some big old brown house slippers scooting around the kitchen floor.  And to be like his daddy he does have some big shoes to grow into.  Tommy also likes to repeat EVERYTHING Kyle does - if Kyle coughs, Tommy pretends to cough, if Kyle spits out his toothpaste, Tommy pretends to spit out toothpaste,  it Kyle burps, Tommy pretends to burp, if Kyle stretches, Tommy stretches.  It's so stinking funny!  I love it!  We have noticed recently that Tommy is reverting back to some younger behaviors b/c he sees Silas doing it - he's whining more, has taught himself how to fake cry like with tears, and refuses to feed himself when he sees me feeding Silas.  Oy vey!  Oh well we know it's only temporary and while it has/does frustrate me at times it's not worth it, Kyle said once Silas is feeding himself and Tom sees us praising him, he'll start too just b/c he wants our attention.  On a funny note I have noticed there is already a competitive nature in the boys, when it comes to toys but especially our attention.  I want to encourage them not to feel competitive towards each other but I also at times try to use it to my advantage.  Tommy has just recently started hating get his fingernails clipped, he used to be a rock start at it, anyhow I was trying to cut his nails and Silas came up whining at my lap wanting me to hold him.  And I said, "Oh no Silas it's Tommy's turn to get his nails clipped, you can be next."  Tommy completely relaxed and let me cut his nails! Haha!  Oh goodness - these boys are too smart for their own good!  Tommy is such a sweet helper too - he likes to "help" me get up off the floor or couch by pulling me up, he throws things away for me when I ask, and he helps me clean up the toys.  He is a great example for his younger brother and soon to be sister!

Kyle is doing great, we are enjoying him not having any classes since it's summer time.  He only has one class left in the fall and then he is finished - he is getting his Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling.  It has been so nice this pregnancy to feel his support and to not have to explain everything to him all the time.  He's a pro now.  Compared to my pregnancy with Tommy when I would tell him I felt sick or smells bothered me, blah blah blah he'd always question if it was just in my head or if it was really the pregnancy.  Understandably so - I also wondered the same thing a lot of times.  But now he gets it and is so patient.  There are days when I feel way too hormonal and emotional and I hate it.  I cry at the drop of a hat and I just feel unhappy for like a whole day.  And all I have to do is tell him - I feel like my hormones are really out of whack today and I hate it, I know I'm being emotional, I'm sorry, I'm getting on my own nerves.  And he just listens and understands and is patient with me.  I think it helps him too, to know that I don't feel like myself and especially that I don't like the way I'm feeling and sometimes as a result acting.  He's a good man.  He's been building lots of forts with the boys and they love it.  It's funny b/c sometimes I'll come out into the family room and think, "Aw man I just folded that blanket and placed it nicely on the back of the couch." But then I just smile and am so thankful my boys have such a thoughtful and fun dad!  I am happy to fold that blanket ten times a day for them to have that time together. (I don't do that but I would).  I'm looking forward to adding Ella up into this mix!  I need my girl, I am so looking forward to seeing her sweet face and getting to know her individual personality - I love knowing her gender, it has made this pregnancy so different and made me feel so much closer to her.  I love to call her by name and hear the boys say her name.  She'll be here before we know it!  By the way girlfriend has some muscles and stretching skills!  My belly is constantly moving from her kicks and punches and various karate moves. 

For my own memory record - 7 months pregnant is when I really start showing my belly off to the world, when my hips start to get uncomfortable, and when I feel TONS of movement.  The end.

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