Saturday, September 7, 2013

Kind of proud of my husband...

Actually to say kind of proud is a complete understatement.  He just started back to school, more hours at work, and out of the blue we just had some major plumbing issues that he completely dominated, all while expecting a third child any day now!  Here are the details.

So ever since we've lived in this house our tub drain will begin to drain slower and slower.  We've used Drano in the past and it's helped, temporarily.  Well before we had company b/c of baby Ella's (still) anticipated arrival, I wanted it to drain faster.  So I purchased some Drano and asked Kyle to put it down the tub drain since I'm pregnant.  It actually made the problem worse.  Instead of a slow drain, there was no drain, standing water.  So we go downstairs after the boys are in bed and start trying to figure our what to do.  Kyle takes off one pipe, and it breaks b/c it's so old and tries to snake the drain.  He got out a pretty good clog but we could see there was a whole lot more nastiness that has accumulated over the years.  So he proceeds to take of another pipe and it also breaks b/c it's so old.  I was starting to get very worried b/c I didn't want to have to worry about the expense of a plumber for us or my parents (b/c they own the house).  But Kyle was very confident he could replace the pipes.  It was a lot of work.  He had to take two days off of work and worked for many hours, took several shopping trips, and did lots of research to fix the problem.  And he did it!  Praise the Lord for such a hard working husband!  But honestly more than the work he did, while it was extremely impressive, I was most and am still most amazed at his attitude through out the whole process.  He never once got upset with me for pushing him to use the Drano, b/c he really didn't want to.  Kyle was so positive, calm, self controlled, and patient through the whole process.  He never raised his voice when things went wrong, he never even got frustrated.  I mean really, this is not how I would have functioned b/c he ran into a couple of different issues that ended up being troublesome and time consuming.  And I can say this b/c I know my family would agree, but my family would not have been able to handle a big and potentially expensive project with this much grace - we don't always react the prettiest under great stress and pressure.  It was seriously a time of watching my husband where I could appreciate the gifts and fruits of the Spirit that are evident in his life.  He's handy, he's patient, he's self controlled, he was encouraging to me when I was able to help in some small way.  He was an excellent example to me of how to handle pressure and adversity and I'm so glad the boys (and soon to be Ella) have that example to see as well.  Even though they aren't old enough to notice it right now (especially since they were sleeping during most of the work) they have an extraordinary example of a father that the Lord has blessed them and me with. 

This was a big project, and here are some pictures of all Kyle's hard work.

 The old drain pipes, where the breaks began.

This is what it looked like before (look at the long green/brown pipes).

The pipes are now gone, he had to cut them all out since they were breaking off.

New drain pipes (this is replacement of the first picture shown).

After three days or hard work he is about to put in the last piece!

 Look at that!  Much prettier, cleaner, and now gunk free pipes!

And here's the guy who did all that and stayed happy completing the job!  I'm so proud of him and so thankful!

*Disclaimer - my husband is not available to help others with plumbing issues, apart from letting you know Drano doesn't always work ;)


Monday, September 2, 2013

Mushy Monday - We're about to have another baby!

So Ella is almost here.  Any day now.  Thursday night we celebrated with the boys, enjoying our time as a family of four.  We got KFC, the boys had some caffeine free root beer for the first time, we had DQ Blizzards, and we watched the first Curious George movie.  Every since then Tommy has been signing asking for Curious George the movie (even though he prefers the 2nd movie), and asking for various treats - ice cream, cake, etc.  So funny!  I keep telling him that was a special celebration but he apparently wants to keep celebrating.

Ella's last ultrasound went well, she is now looking like an average size baby, not a giant!  Once again we have no good ultrasound pictures b/c she was literally facing away.  Thanks baby girl.  I am 38 weeks and a couple of days.  The past couple of days I have had significantly more energy, which has been awesome, and I'm trying to put it to good use.  Lots of cleaning and getting things ready for baby girl.  One of the things I love about being pregnant is how a perfect stranger can feel like a genuinely excited friend!  I love the sweet congratulations and joy people have when they ask me questions and find out I'm due soon.  What other time does that happen in life?!  I do think that I will have her some time this week, just b/c that's what I think, but who knows (besides the Lord of course!).

Tom has been trying to talk a lot more.  It's super sweet.  Sometimes we have to quieten him down b/c he gets a little loud.  This is sometimes a challenge for me b/c he doesn't talk like most kids.  He makes a lot of noises and strange sounds but he's trying to talk.  The part that is a challenge for me is when it calls extra attention to him, I'm afraid people will think he isn't "smart" b/c of the sounds he makes.  That sounds weird/stupid that I feel that way but that's just the easiest way to explain it.  Obviously I know he's extremely smart and I can pretty much interpret what he's trying to communicate a good 99% of the time, but others don't know.  And that's the part that's challenging, not to worry what others think, if people know him and are around him they know how smart he is.  I could be over thinking the whole thing.  As he talks more in public it is getting easier and I pray that the Lord would help me to handle any uncomfortable situation with grace and in a way that glorifies him.  I am excited Tom is talking more and wanting to use his voice.  It's funny b/c sometimes he sounds really mad when he's not mad at all - like when you ask him to say please, if he really wants it he basically yells LEASE!! (he leaves out the "p" sound).  He's hilarious, I'm trying to teach him to say things nicely and quietly and he's catching on really quick.  Tommy is still my sweet boy who loves to be snuggled, he is obsessed with TV and would watch it all day long if we let him.  I am excited to see how he responds to baby Ella.

Silas is still quite the handful.  Remember how I said it was getting easier.  Well it all depends on the day.  He's a little spit fire.  He's talking a lot more too, making some hilarious noises and faces when does so.  When he makes the "O" sounds it cracks me up.  This boy knows what he wants and when he wants it and how he wants it and if he doesn't get it he'll make sure you know he's not happy about it.  Shew, he's giving us a run for our money.  Silas is a champion eater though - he pretty much loves a little bit of everything.  He doesn't want just one thing to eat at a meal - he likes a variety.  I do think his love for fruit has helped Tommy eat more fruit which is wonderful.  Silas is very interested in feeding himself which is super nice for me, however he is also very interested in feeding Maggie our dog.  They are a sneaky little team and they spur each other on to disobedience.  Sometimes I have to literally put Maggie in the other room while they eat so she doesn't come and tempt him by standing right next to him and he doesn't lower his hand and tempt her to come over when she's obeying and laying on the other side of the room.  Mischievous.  I know this sweet little boy is going to be quite jealous of Miss Ella, he is always wanting me to hold him when I hold other babies.  However he does hug and kiss the baby dolls he's seen very sweetly, so hopefully that's a good sign!

Kyle started his last semester of school! Hip Hip Hooray!  It doesn't seem real, and hasn't sunk in, but we're both thrilled at the idea of him being finished with school in December!  Wooohooo!

That's all for now, I'm tired and very pregnant ;)