Friday, August 6, 2010

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

I am so very thankful for our precious little boy! God is just so good to us. Not only is he the most handsome little baby I've ever laid eyes upon but he just has the sweetest nature about him. One of my very favorite things through out the day is right before Tommy takes his nap, I lay him sideways in my arms and snuggle him really close and he looks up at me with the most adoring look and it fills my heart with joy. And I mean it literally fills my heart with joy! He stairs so intently at me, and he'll smile really big when I sing to him. I just absolutely LOVE that kid! It is an indescribable feeling. And when he looks at me he just seems so wise but innocent at the same time - it sounds silly because he is this itty bitty human being but he just has a look of wisdom about him when he stares at me that way.

One good thing about having such a joyful baby is that he makes it hard to stay grumpy. I wasn't having a good morning and then I went to wake him up from his nap and he was nothing but smiles. The Lord used to him to quickly turn around my attitude.

We had our first session with his physical therapist today and it was wonderful! It is such a blessing to live in a place that offers early intervention for children who need help to achieve their highest potential. She is super sweet and did a great job with Tommy. She showed me some exercises to do with him and said that overall his muscle tone looks really good. Kyle and I always get confused when doctors or therapists say this, because we don't know if they mean his muscle tone looks good compared to all babies or just babies with DS. So she explained that there is a "normal" range of muscle tone they look for, some babies are on the high end of that range and some babies are at the low end of that range; therefore Tommy would be considered at the low end of "normal" muscle tone. Hopefully that makes sense, because the way she explained it made sense to me. Also, she was very impressed that Tommy could "prop sit" (I had no idea what this was or that babies were supposed to do it). But she said that it was really good that he was 4 months old and already able to do that by himself. This just filled my heart with joy! I praise God for giving Tommy such good muscle tone and the ability to do so much already. I pray that he will continue to advance but realize he may not always be advancing so well. The PT was very encouraging and thinks Tommy will catch on to things very quickly.

We serve such a great God!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Praise God! Tommy is such a sweet boy and I can't wait to hear about what God has in store for him! We know he already has a loving and caring heart, considering when you took his cousin away he cried :) That was too cute to see both of them in the car seat together!

  3. such good news--and i'm glad that he brings such joy to you :)

  4. It is great to hear that Tommy is doing so well! We praise God that He has put Tommy in such a loving family!

  5. Praise God for baby Tommy! His aunt Jeanne and uncle Jody sure do love him alot. And, I (Jeanne) would have to agree he is a handsome little man.
