Thursday, September 16, 2010

Latest Updates

There are many times I think about adding a new post but then I just feel like my mind goes blank and I'm not sure what to write. Anyway I just figured I give an update on how Tommy is doing for any family or friends who are wondering. Tommy is just over 5 months old now, he is 14lbs 12 oz and around 25 inches long. He is having 1 therapy session per week, every other week his physical therapist comes to work with him and then on the other weeks his developmental interventionist (DI) comes to work with him. So far Tommy is doing great, he is a little delayed in his rolling over; he can do it he just has to really work at it and has to be pushed to do it. He is making progress towards sitting, which is a really good sign. As far as his developmental abilities he is pretty much above and beyond what they expect from him, which is a huge blessing. Overall I'm learning not to worry about these things too much, b/c like all babies Tommy will do everything he's supposed to but it could take a little longer.

We had a cardiologist appointment on Monday and everything looked good. He could see that Tommy isn't having any trouble gaining weight; he can still hear the heart murmur. He did a quick echo and Tommy's VSD did close up as he had anticipated and they still expect to fix the ASD (probably before he's 1 1/2 years old). But I pray over Tommy every night asking the Lord to heal his heart for His glory, as a powerful testimony to his cardiologist, and for Tommy's health. And if it's not His will, then that He would prepare us and our family for the surgery in the future.

It is such a joy to be Kyle's wife and Tommy's mom. I am so thankful for Kyle's sacrifice to work and go to school, while he enables me to stay home and play with our baby boy. It's a pretty awesome job when my main goal for the day is to see how many times I can get a big smile and precious giggle from our little boy. I can't explain to you all how blessed we are to have Tommy. I've said it before and unless it changes I won't stop saying it, he has the best personality of any baby I've ever been around (other mom's please don't be offended, I'm allowed to be biased, and so are you). But I told Kyle if I knew all our babies would have personalities like Tommy, then I'd probably want 100!

One of the biggest surprises for me in being a mom, so far, is that it's getting more fun as time goes on. Don't get me wrong, I definitely have my days, but in general as he gets older and can do more things, I'm really enjoying it. It makes the day go by faster and it's encouraging to watch him grow physically and cognitively. I feel like being a mom has made me more confident, decisive, and more grown up. While it has done all those things, those are also struggles for me when new events occur, but motherhood is such a great time of learning and growing. Oh and can I just say that Kyle has amazed me as a dad. During the infant stage it was kind of boring for him (& surprisingly I didn't really enjoy that stage as much as I thought I would) but now Kyle plays with Tommy, makes him smile & laugh, and it fills my heart with joy. (But I can't make too big of a deal about it in front of Kyle but he doesn't like to be the center of attention, even if it's just the three of us). But he has really surprised me in such a wonderful way.

That's all for now! Have a wonderful day or night!

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