Saturday, September 25, 2010

What do you get...

What do you get when you start out your day by feeding your baby, then getting up to go get him an outfit only to find spit up behind where you were sitting on the couch and down the back of your shirt. After a quick & easy clean up of the couch, you go to change your baby's clothes only to find a bumpy rash on his body from the baby oil you used last night. So then you bathe him with some Aveeno sensitive wash and put some Aveeno lotion on him. As he starts to get fussy from teething you give him a little Tylenol, thinking it might help his little rash to go away too. He usually naps for at least an hour and you'd think with tylenol he'd sleep longer - 45 minutes is all he could stand this morning. While that's only 15 minutes it usually means a cranky time later on b/c he's still tired. The whole time while you're walking around in the morning the cat is constantly meowing at you and the dog is right under your feet. (At this point I was a little teary eyed and asking Kyle not to go to work b/c the past two days have been very long with a sweet baby boy who needs lots of attention b/c he's teething) (Oh and his Nana Gram Gran who is usually hear to help if ever needed is out of town for family/wedding visits). Then your hubby suggests to put the cat in the basement for a little while to have a break. Great idea! You go to the basement to start the laundry and clean the litter box. The cat has puked, pooped, & even peed outside of the litter box. You are now at a crossroads - do you cry really hard b/c you don't think you can handle this, or clean it up & be a big girl. You can't decide b/c you're so angry at the cat so you go to put the laundry in. At this point the Lord gives you grace and you go into survival mode and make a plan of action. First laundry, then clean up everything you can without having to make an extra trip upstairs, oh but first punishing the cat for being bad b/c he definitely knows better (he was not punished for the throw up, just the pee & poop), and finish by getting cleaning supplies and cleaning up the basement. So what do you get when all of this happens...the first 3 hours of my day.

On a positive note, the Lord used the cat mess to push me beyond the point of just thinking of myself and snapped me out of my "i'm trying not to cry but when it comes, it's going to be a big one" mood. Also, Tommy did not get cranky, he has been super good all day (it's obviously not his fault he spit up or needed a bath or that he's teething - it just equals extra work but he's well well well worth it). God is so good to know our needs & bless us with meeting them for us. I pray and hope Tommy's little teeth don't cause him too much trouble today. And I would like to give a shout out to all the working moms out there b/c I can't imagine having to work all week, coming home & taking care of your family, and then have a morning like this morning. I love staying home with our baby boy and wouldn't change it for anything, but let me tell you that I am looking forward to date night this week.

Random side note - we watched The Office last night and it was a GREAT first episode. Possibly one of Kyle & my favorites!

Thank you Lord for my life, thank you for being sovereign so that I am not in control - now that would be a mess of a morning!

1 comment:

  1. That is a great reminder! Our lives WOULD be a mess if we were in control... totally chaos!
