Friday, November 5, 2010

Stand up, stand up for Jesus...

It's been a while since my last blog and Tommy has grown so much! He is now spitting/blowing raspberries, he is rolling over like a champ (just from belly to back, he almost has back to belly down), he is eating rice cereal/oatmeal and all kinds of veggies, and he loves standing now! Tommy boy eats like a champ, there hasn't been any foods he's refused to eat yet, however, I can tell he prefers rice cereal over oatmeal. He's had green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, and peas. I think his favorite so far is squash. We'll be trying fruits soon and I'm sure he'll love those! Before Tommy I never realized how much of a young baby/child's life revolves around teaching them to eat. As soon as I have nursing down pat it's time to introduce baby food. Next will come solids and feeding himself. Eating is a lot of work. But thankfully our boy's good at it!

In other news, Tommy celebrated his 1/2 birthday with his cousin Brady, they share the same wonderful birthday! We had a blast having pizza and cookie cake and playing Uno with our sweet family. We now have a new nephew - Logan Scott Boone was born on October 27th, and he's so precious! Also, my sister Jeanne is now expecting a precious baby boy or girl, she's due at the end of May! Our family has been so blessed this year - we're growing leaps and bounds.

Oh the big new news, as mentioned before, is that Tommy is now standing! He is such a big boy and he's growing so fast and I cannot tell you what a joy it is to be this kid's mom. The Lord uses this sweet boy to bless my heart beyond belief. We're still working on sitting up, he prop sits really well and he can kind of sit all the way up by himself but if he knows you're not behind him, he loses "confidence" and let's himself fall. His PT explains it as him not having enough confidence to do it on his own because he gets scared if he realizes you're not there and lets his muscles go. However, it is wonderful that he is standing so well. A couple of weeks ago I tried to let Tom stand on his own but he needed me behind him to hold up his little tooshi, well his PT said yesterday that she thinks he could stand on his own if there was something a good height. So I tried it tonight and baby boy stood (holding onto the recliner) for probably 10 seconds! Talk about a champ! And glory be to God because He is answering our prayers. I thank the Lord for Tommy's physical and mental strength but ask Him to continue to strengthen Tommy and He is! Tommy's favorite way to stand up is while bouncing to the song "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus..." It's the only song I can get him to smile to when he's standing. He such a smart boy, he already likes Jesus!

Kyle just wrote a paper for class on counseling a family who has a child with Down Syndrome. And I almost always proofread his papers for him, more for telling him if something makes sense or sounds good/bad, not to help with grammar. Anyway this paper was such a blessing to me because it served as such a great reminder that while I should hope for the best for Tommy - as far as physically and mentally thriving in society - the ultimate goal is that he will be saved and used by God. And while I pray this daily for my son, it is so easy to get caught up in thinking about things like, "how can i get him to do this, or he really should be doing that, or I can tell such a big difference between this baby and Tommy." In the end none of that will matter. Oh and speaking of which, in helping Kyle with his paper I looked up David Ring, the evangelist with cerebral palsy. He had one video, which of course made me cry, where he said when he gets to heaven he's going to have a new body. He'll be able to tie his own shoes, and button his own shirt. He said you may not like me now, but you don't have to, I'm not finished. God's still got me in the oven. But when he gets to heaven God's going to open the oven door and say, "Well good and faithful servant." It was so funny but also such a great reminder of how perfect heaven will be.

I'm not sure if there is anything that the Lord could have used to soften my heart more than this baby boy. I am so thankful.


  1. love this post jill. such a great reminder that we are all unfinished works, but that we'll be perfect one glorious day in Heaven. so thankful for you, our friendship, and all the ways tommy is learning and growing and how he is being used to teach you! God's just awesome like that...using a baby to teach a grown up :) wuv!

  2. Jill,
    So exciting that Tommy is standing up! Way to go Tommy! :-)

  3. So excited for all the growth and encouragement!
