Sunday, January 2, 2011

What's been happening...

Well there's been a lot going on since the last post. Tommy is now a champion roller - he's been rolling back to belly since November & has just started using this new skill to try & get different places.  He's a little peanut for his age, I'm not sure of what percentile he is in but I know he's small - but right now it will help me when it comes to carrying him around.  He can sit all by himself but doesn't prefer to, he usually throws himself back b/c he wants to be able to grab his feet.  His feet are by far his favorite thing, he likes to eat his toes. Tommy has become even more social, he's sharing more smiles with family members and friends. He wants to crawl and talk REALLY bad! He's making all kinds of noises and chatting without real words. When it comes to being on his belly he holds his head up high but can't get his legs up at the same time.  So what he does is he lays his head down and then gets his legs up but can't get his head back up.  I feel so bad for him when I watch him do it b/c you can tell the wheels are turning in his head like "What am I doing wrong here? It's not working." He'll get it soon enough.

Christmas was absolutely wonderful! Every year we go to St. Louis for Christmas (job permitting) to see Kyle's family b/c it's their big holiday, and we spend every Thanksgiving with my family b/c it's our big holiday.  So we celebrated with my family on the 20th and it was so much fun. It's definitely more fun to celebrate before Christmas, rather than after, b/c then everything is over and all the excitement has passed. But my mom was so sweet to make my favorite meal, she makes these fancy/yummy sloppy joe type sandwiches, with her delicious macaroni and cheese! MMM! And she made ham delights - another one of her top requests from Kyle and my oldest sister Jennifer. I love food so this made me very happy! We opened our presents and gave our presents to family.  Tommy was spoiled rotten - he got lots of cute clothes, books, tons of penguin stuff, your baby can read dvds, and lots more. That night Tommy spent the night with my parents; we plan on making this a tradition so my parents can get special time with him since they don't get to see him Christmas day. My mom loved having him and has already asked when he can stay again. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would - I feel more of a purpose taking care of him and I missed waking him up in the morning b/c he's always so happy and sweet. But it was definitely nice to have time with just Kyle and me.

Our trip to St. Louis was really fun too; the drive there and back were great - no road work, no big delays - that always makes everything nicer. I felt bad for Tommy having to sit in his seat all the way though, but we stopped once to eat and feed him and play with him. He traveled really well. I love getting to see Kyle's family in St. Louis - I miss my family a lot but I'm thankful we get to see them so much through out the year.  I told Kyle I would hate if I didn't like his family, it would be so difficult to be away from my family if that were the case. But thankfully his family is really loving and fun to be around.  Tommy got some more good presents, some toys, cute ugg boots, a music and picture night time machine, more clothes, his first piece to his first train. 

The only thing I didn't like about Christmas is that I didn't remember to be thankful for Jesus being born. I thought about it a ton during the week and was so thankful in my mind and heart but on the actual day, there was so much to do and we were having fun with family, that I didn't even stop to think about the real meaning until the late hours of the night.  Kyle and I were trying to be so intentional about the way we celebrated but we failed this year.  We did read Luke 2 that night in bed and it's a sweet memory that I'll always cherish for Tommy's first Christmas. Just as I got in bed to read with Kyle, Tommy woke up in his pack & play.  So I figured he wanted to hear it too (and we intended to read it with him earlier in the day but it didn't happen). I got Tommy out of bed and put him in our bed between us and Kyle read Luke 2. It was pretty great. We let Tommy lay with us for a little bit and then put him back in his bed.

Next year we will have to change the way we're "intentional" about remembering the real meaning of Christmas. We want to have sweet traditions that Tommy can look forward to & that will help him to understand what we're celebrating.

On another note - Kyle is now working part time so he can go to school more & ultimately finish quicker. Right now it's really fun b/c he isn't in class so Tommy and I are getting lots of quality time with him.  And it's such a blessing for me to watch Kyle be with Tommy; they really are good buddies already and I'm so thankful for how great of a husband and father Kyle is.

2010 was an amazing year and will always be embedded in my memory. It brought with it the sweetest baby boy, a whole new role in my life, the feeling of being a "grown up," and so very many moments of joy! To God be the glory!

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