Saturday, January 29, 2011

What I love about...

What I love about being Kyle's wife:
  • He's a stud. I am married to one goood looking man and I love that!
  • He keeps me very entertained - he makes me laugh, he picks on me/flirts with me.
  • He makes me feel safe. I'm a very fearful person. Mainly I get scared at the idea of someone breaking into our house. I love how big Kyle is, it makes me feel very safe.
  • I can be embarrassed around him but not be worried about being embarrassed. If I do something stupid or gross and he makes fun of me, I feel embarrassed but I don't care that I feel embarrassed because I know he doesn't really care about whatever it is that I did. And we're usually both cracking up about it.
  • I can completely be myself and be comfortable with him. He knows more about me than any other person in the world, and I think that's pretty neat. He loves me despite my sins.
  • He's smarter than me, which means I can learn from him. He's a very good teacher. (This ranges from things like the Bible to just being logical about every day things)
  • He's made me a more laid back person. Kyle's suuuuper laid back. But sometimes a little too laid back and I feel like I feel emotions for him.
  • Overall the Lord has used Kyle to make me a better person in general. He's very patient, logical, giving, kind, funny - to name a few.
  • I know that he loves me. It sounds like a simple statement but that's a pretty huge thing. It's amazing to know you are loved by someone else, and especially when you admire that someone.
  • I get to be a stay at home mom. He is very intent on letting me know he has no expectations of me going back to work (but he's also told me if I wanted to work part time so I could get grown up interaction he was fine with that too) - all that to say it takes a lot of pressure off of me.
  • I love being parents with him. He has amazed me in the past almost 10 months to watch how he's transformed into such a loving and wonderful dad to Tommy.
  • I love sleeping with Kyle. I love to snuggle. Not only that but when you wake up from a bad dream and you have your spouse next to you to hold you and make you feel safe - I greatly appreciate that privilege of marriage.
  • I love watching movies and tv shows with him. We like to find shows we really enjoy (i.e. The Office, Bones, Monk, 24...) but haven't kept up with and watch full seasons of them in like 3 days!
  • I love to play games with him, when I can be on his team. I don't like to play against him because I like to talk smack. He eventually talks smack back...and wins. And I get mad. But together, when I'm on his team, I win too :)
  • I love that I can talk to him about the Lord and my faith.
  • Date nights. Kyle takes me on a date night every Tuesday night. It was his idea that we started over 2 years ago now.
  • Having him to take care of me. He provides for me, he cares for me if I'm upset or have had my feelings hurt, he is very good at taking care of me when I'm sick.
  • He doesn't baby me - he doesn't give me everything I want. This is something that really attracted me to Kyle because I wanted someone who would spoil me in sweet ways and romance me but not someone who was a pansy and gave in to everything I wanted all the time. And I love this because this is what challenges me and helps me to change me for the better.
  • And I love that I could keep this list going, but I'll stop...for now.
What I love about being Tommy's mom:
  • Showing him off to people because he's the cutest and sweetest baby boy in the world!
  • How he knows my face and my voice.
  • The way he smiles when I say certain words like what, who, how, sing, jump...
  • Holding him when he sleeps.
  • Seeing him do something for the first time. Oh man I get suuuuper excited! It's kind of ridiculous.
  • Watching him change so much as he's growing - his face looks so different then it did when he was first born.
  • How much more grown up and confident I feel now that I am responsible for this little life.
  • How it has grown my faith and reliance upon the Lord. Never have I understood better that the Lord is sovereign.
  • When he falls asleep while I'm holding him and I walk back to his bedroom and I catch a glimpse of him asleep on my shoulder in the hallway mirror. I LOVE this. I always loved when I'd see parents in public and their kid had fallen asleep and they were carrying them. Aw it melts my heart, it seriously is a little dream come true. Sounds dumb I know, but I can't get enough of it.
  • Of course - HIS LAUGH! His laugh is by far the most wonderful sound my ears have ever heard - it cracks me up.
  • Watching how much Tommy loves his dad and his puppy Maggie. He's crazy about them.
  • I love that he's mine. As much as everyone else loves on him and plays with him - he's coming home with Kyle and me!
  • How good of a baby he is. I pray our future children are as easy and fun as he has been.
  • Watching him sleep.
  • Watching him get startled and cry. You think I'm mean by saying that but if you seen it, you know it's one of the funniest and cutest things you've ever seen. He has a very delayed reaction when he gets startled (which usually happens when a man laughs loud) - his eyebrows go up, stretching out his face, his lower lip slowly comes out, then he squinches his eyes and lets out a high pitched noise that sounds like a tea kettle boiling! Oh man I'm laughing thinking about it. But it is sad too.
  • Waking him up in the morning and from naps - he is all smiles! All he has to do is hear your voice, he doesn't have to see you, but once he hears you he is smiling ear to ear.
  • I love that he needs me.
  • I love that I truly feel that I am serving God's purpose for my life.
And the list goes on...

Thank you Lord for my family! I am so very blessed!

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