Monday, April 11, 2011


In 2 days our baby boy will be a hold one year old! It has been an amazing, life changing, & fast year! I don't know how many people told me "they grow up too fast" before I had Tommy but you never understand what they mean until you have your baby and the time literally flies by.

So here is what Tommy boy is up to these days. He loves to play ball & has started to make the "buh" sound a lot. It's super cute b/c he curls his lips in and closes his eyes when he does it, it looks like he has no teeth (which he only has two but still if you saw it you'd know what I mean).  He loves his mama and his dada - still not saying mama but he's starting to put his lips together to try to make the "mmmm" sound when I do it to him.  He's beginning to try and mimic us more than he used to and it's really sweet. He loves remotes, cell phones, anything with lights and music.  He loves his dog Maggie - he reaches for her to lick his hands and sometimes will talk to her to try & get her attention. He pivots when he really wants to and he'll get on his hands and knees with assistance if there's a mirror on the floor so he can look at himself and mama.  He's a tough one to make laugh and giggle, he smiles really easy, but the laughs are hard to get. So no matter what it is that I do that gets a giggle, no matter how high pitched and annoying I'll do it over and over and over again until he gets sick of it and stops laughing. He is 19 lbs and 28 inches long. Tommy loves for me to hold him and jump up and down say "BOOM". He loves his daddy's ears and mouth - he stairs at them so close until he's cross eyed. He loves for Kyle to throw him in the air. He loves to eat - we're just starting to do more real food and are going to do less baby food; which I know he'll LOVE. He uses his sippy cup for juice and now we're going to work on using it for milk. His favorite song right now is the Itsy Bitsy Spider, I tickle him whenever the "down came the rain" and then the "dried up all the rain". He loves Peek-A-Boo and initiates playing it. He loves his gloworm and tries to share his paci with him. He's really good at reaching for people. He loves older people and instantly warms up to them - smiling and reaching for them. He loves his cousin Eliza - he was originally not too interested in her but now he smiles at her and strokes her hair. Speaking of hair...he LOVES long hair. He's a pincher and a cuddler. Overall he is just a wonderful, happy, sweet baby boy. I love watching his personality coming out and I love spending time with him.

The latest update on his heart is that the hole is still there. We could see it really well on the echo this time, the cardiologist said it isn't that the hole has grown it's b/c his heart has grown. Anyway the dr. doesn't want Tommy in the hospital during RSV season so from November to April. He said he wanted to see us back in six months & I reminded him that Tommy would be 2 next April (they want to do surgery before he is 2). So he told us to come back in September and he'd take pictures of Tommy's heart & send it off to the heart board. So if the hole is still there, which medically speaking, it will be we're thinking they'll do surgery in October. But we still pray that the Lord will close the hole and perform a miracle but if that isn't His will then to strengthen Tommy and to allow the surgery to be successful and safe. We'll learn more details about the surgery when it's being scheduled. We'll keep you all updated and would appreciate your prayers. I can't think about it too much or it makes me nervous and sad but I'm thankful when I remember the Lord is sovereign and in control.

My sister Julie called last Wednesday and reminded me in exactly one week Tommy would be 1! She asked what I was feeling this time last year - I was scared & excited. I remember thinking "how is this kid going to get out?" and I just felt like I'd be pregnant forever and he'd live happily in my belly; also I wanted to know if he was a he or she and what he looked like! We watched the video of Tommy right after he was born and Kyle said "Aww it's our little blue alien!" haha poor baby had a lumpy head and was a tad blue but he was the absolute cutest lumpy blue baby in the world! (by day 2 his head was perfect) He's such a handsome boy, especially considering he looks like his daddy. We love that kid, he is a joy!

Happy Almost Birthday Tommy!

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