Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mushy Monday

So just go ahead and reread last weeks mushy post, then let's add into my lovely in-laws who helped this weekend, and of course my husband!

I have not been feeling well, Sunday night was the worst. I had an awful, and I mean awful, gallbladder attack. At first I thought I had the flu or a bug, I was throwing up and felt so sick. My stomach was in knots, and the most painful knot was right under my right lower ribs, which my mom pointed out later was my gallbladder. I had an ultrasound done early this morning but the tech couldn't tell me if I had gallstones or anything, I have to wait to get the report from the doctor.

When I got sick we were out of town visiting my in laws and they helped take care of Tommy while I laid down and Kyle tried to work on his paper Sunday night. But poor Tommy only wanted mommy and daddy b/c his little teeth are giving him such a hard time. We decided to go ahead and travel home, about 1 1/2 - 2 hours, that night and took a big coffee container with a lid in case I got sick on the way home, which I did (but thankfully that was the last time).  As soon as we got home I laid down in bed, Kyle brought some stuff along with Tommy inside and Tommy puked on Kyle. Did I mention this was Kyle's birthday?! Anyhow my parents were almost to our house to come pick up Tommy, b/c at this point I still thought it was a bug and didn't want Tommy to catch it, so my dad was going to graciously take off work to take care of Tommy and my oldest sister Jennifer was going to try to take half a day off too to help him (and she really likes Tommy, a lot).  But since Tommy threw up we were afraid he caught what I had and didn't want my parents to get it. But then my mom figured out, being the great nurse that she is, that he probably got sick b/c I had been giving him orange juice that day and he hadn't eaten much b/c of his teeth hurting so bad. An empty stomach and orange juice don't mix. The poor guy hasn't been sick again but is having some major stomach issues - some explosive ones. Sorry if that's TMI this is for my memories sake too. I believe he went through three outfits yesterday and this morning before my ultrasound I had to change his clothes and his sheets, if I had time he probably would have gotten a bath, even though he just had one last night.

I am so so very appreciative to have my husband who stepped up so much and took great care of me and Tommy! He did however mention he could never be a stay at home dad, he said it was exhausting. And the Lord was so kind to him yesterday, Tommy almost slept 4 hours during the day, FOUR HOURS! My son usually sleep for 1 1/2-2 hours. And Tommy went down great for his naps for his daddy, which he usually does not. So I know the Lord was being extra kind to Kyle and to me.

A big thank you to my hubby, to my parents for driving out late at night to come take care of my baby and bring us gatorade and pedialyte, and to my sister Jennifer for wanting to help, and to my in laws for helping too! Shew I couldn't do this on my own, I'm glad I don't have to!
As far as the gallbladder goes right now it just aches pretty constantly but I feel so much better. I can't handle attacks like I had, I felt like I got hit by a car. So I have to eat a very low fat diet to prevent that and I may have my gallbladder taken out in a month or so, we have to wait and see what the results are, I may be able to wait longer to have it out. But I am so thankful to be feeling so much better! I'm scared to eat though, but I'm not that hungry so that helps.

The end.

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