Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mushy Monday?!

Even though it's Tuesday it doesn't sound like a catchy title to say Mushy Tuesday. And I think mushy is kind of a weird word - it reminds me of squishy and in that sense kind of grosses me out.

This week I want to talk about how thankful I am for our church. A few weeks ago on a Wednesday night I decided to keep Tommy with me for our church business meeting b/c he had broke out in a rash on his chest and belly. I was 99% sure it was an allergic reaction to raspberry juice but just to be safe I didn't want to the other kids to be exposed. (He had no other symptoms and it looked like an allergic reaction, big welts) Anyhow it was a lot of work. I was trying to keep him quiet and sitting still in my lap, Kyle was working so he wasn't there for me to pass him off. It was pretty exhausting. This experience made me so so so grateful for our church nursery and all the people who work in it. Honestly if there were no church nursery I don't think Kyle and I both would be able to go to the same service between the ages of like 6 months to 3 years old (and that's being generous). But thankfully our church family serves each other well by serving in the nursery.

Tommy has also grown to know and love the nursery workers during Sunday School. Josh and Emily serve consistently in that class and Tommy now knows them. Which I really love! I think apart from Tommy's therapists they are the first two people he's come to know, remember, and like apart from family. He remembers them and he doesn't even cry when I leave him in there with them.

The sweetest thing happened this Sunday morning though. Tommy could tell we were going some place and didn't even want to finish his breakfast, he was ready to go. Well when we pulled into the church parking lot he got so excited! He was screaming/squealing in excitement when I was getting him out of the car seat. It made me so happy to know that he recognized where we were and that he enjoys being there.

And then when I went to pick Tommy up Emily told me that Tommy had walked with the walking toy all by himself four different times! His walking "toy" at home that he walks with was given to us to borrow from his PT and is a very sturdy walking assistant. Basically that means that Tommy is learning to walk even better b/c he was able to walk with a regular toy that isn't as sturdy as what he's used to. And all the people that saw him do it in the nursery were bragging on him and telling me about it. It was so encouraging to me to know my sweet boy walked so good and then to have our friends celebrating with us over his accomplishments.

I am thankful for our church for many reasons, and not just for the ways they can serve us, but that we get to serve along with such wonderful friends and to know that they are intentional to love our children.

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