Monday, January 2, 2012

Mushy Monday

I am very excited to brag on my husband and how he has been intentionally cleaning up after himself more and more. I love to spoil Kyle and take good care of him, but there are times when this treatment is taken advantage of, sometimes intentionally to be funny and push my buttons, but other times unknowingly.  Anyhow, I'm very impressed with his new motivation to be intentional to love me in this way and I hope that it stays. I tease my mother in law all the time asking her what she got me into by spoiling this boy, and she always apologizes to me! Haha!

But from my perspective as well, I want to be willing to serve my husband and love him by caring for him in what seem to be menial tasks - taking his dishes, cleaning them, throwing away trash, putting things back where they belong, etc. - and I want to do it with a good attitude. I do a lot of mental grumbling and I don't like it. So I've been trying to pray when that happens that I would remember that it is a joy and honor to serve my husband and son and that I would do so joyfully; and that I would remember that I am ultimately serving the Lord. I don't want to sound holier than thou by saying that - trust me there are days when I pray that back to back b/c right after praying I start complaining again. Or there are days like today, when I forget to pray it all together.

It has been heavy on my heart lately for a sweet friend at our church who recently lost her husband in a tragic car accident. My heart literally aches for her at times and I am overcome with emotion to put myself in her shoes. I can't imagine her grief, nor do I want to. But it makes me want to cherish Kyle all the more, even the the quirky things I complain about b/c I know I would miss them terribly if they were suddenly gone. And knowing that our friend who passed away was such a great husband and father, makes me associate him with Kyle even more.

Kyle has such an important and strong presence in our home. I love seeing how much he has grown and changed as he has become a dad. The Lord has increased my love for him so much in the past year and a half and I'm so thankful he is my husband.

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