Monday, January 16, 2012

Mushy Monday

Very very early Sunday morning my precious new nephew was born! Since it was so early in the morning and we still needed to travel an hour and a half back home, I just held him briefly before we left, and now I just wish I could hold him sooooo much more! Selfishly, it's kind of exciting b/c I can tell I'm getting back into liking little babies! That sounds mean but when you have one of your own, it's not as exciting to hold a little bitty one b/c you do it all the time. And then it's a little sad b/c that means Tommy is growing out of that baby stage (that being said I love the stage he is in now and watching him grow) but he is my first little baby! Anyway back to my nephew, he is beautiful and very healthy! 9lbs 12.5 oz 23 inches! SHEEWWY! Thank the Lord for a healthy baby but I would not want to endure that delivery! Tonight was the first night I've gotten to say Tommy's nightly prayer with him and Eli is actually out of the womb! We pray for all of his cousins by name and it was so fun to have a precious face to put with that name tonight!

Another thing I realized tonight as Tommy and I were doing his nightly routine is how when I first start singing the first of three songs we sing, God is so Good, my mind goes through the many voices I've heard sing that with/to Tommy before he's gone to bed. One of the first I think of is my Papaw Frank, Tommy's great grandpa, when they visited in the past and Tommy was there to go to sleep my papaw joined in in his songs and prayer. And both my parents sing and pray with him, my mother in law, Kyle, Aunt Jennifer...and I'm sure there are many more! But it just made me smile and so thankful for a great deal of family who not only love Tommy so sweetly to sing and pray with him but also to believe the words we're singing. God really is so good!

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