Monday, February 20, 2012

Mushy Monday

Back on track...what what!

Today I want to make sure that I start bringing about some more attention to this little one growing in my belly! I feel like he/she is getting lost in the shuffle already some times. But I can feel him/her move so so much these days that I actually think about him/her more all the time!  I think I'm a little different then most women in how I'm not quite as mushy over my growing baby. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited, love to feel the baby move and see my tummy move, and to imagine what they'll be like (I say they so I don't have to keep typing he/she, there is only one). But I was thinking about this the other day that the way my mind and heart work is that I love people/my children more the better I know them. I can tell you that I love my son and my husband more and more as time goes on and that is the same truth with this baby. And that's the part that excites me - getting to know this little one and learning who they are and what they like, what makes them smile and laugh, and loving them for who they are. Right now I love them b/c they are mine and I get the privilege of growing them (which if I think too much about can kind of weird me out) And especially not knowing if we're having a boy or girl, it's so fun to think we'll be completely surprised by this little one!

I will be 26 weeks pregnant this week! My belly has definitely popped out but at times depending on the shirt or what I'm doing it's hard to tell, but if you see me holding Tommy, you can definitely tell! I guess it pulls my shirt back who knows?! I have felt all along that we are having a girl but my feelings are kind of starting to shift to maybe a boy?! We're going to stick with our names we'd picked out before - Ella for a girl and Silas for a boy. I kind of would like different names but Kyle likes those and we can't agree on any other ones and I agreed to those names back in the day. And to be honest I don't really care what we name our kid - it's hard to pick out names. I remember when Tommy was born I thought - he doesn't really look like a Tommy and now the name fits him perfectly - once again it comes with learning about them and knowing them and it's not like you can name them when their two, what would you call them for the first two years?

We are so excited to meet this sweet baby! I'm excited to know if they're a boy or a girl! An Ella or a Silas!! A happy baby or a fussy baby? (PLEASE BE HAPPY!) To see Tom Tom be a big brother and get to know and learn to love his precious sibling! (This thrills me) He's becoming more and more interested in little ones and doesn't seem to get jealous, just wants to be held with the baby sometimes. It's going to be an adventure!

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