Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mushy Monday - Dream Come True

There is just so much I want to write and remember!! I think what I’m going to try and do is divide up my post into a “non-mommy” section, a Tommy section, a Silas section, and a Kyle section. It may not always be exactly that way but I feel like it will help me keep it concise and help me to not leave anything out! Hopefully!

Okay non-mommy section that I have been thinking about ever since it happened. My day with Critter! A few weeks ago my best friend (apart from my hubby of course) came to visit from North Carolina. We got to spend one day together with our boys (she has a sweet little one year old) at my house and that was a blast. But the best day was by far the day my parents watched my boys and I got to spend the day with her and her baby just hanging out. We had Arby’s for lunch on her parents’ back deck in beautiful weather, we took it easy and hung out for a little bit, and then we went to Target, got cherry coke slushies at the gas station and hung out a little bit longer. Oh my word! This was quite literally a dream come true for me. I seriously day dream about being able to do things like this with her but never have the opportunity. And it was absolutely wonderful to be able to do it without the boys in tow. I was able to focus on her little guy and we didn’t have to figure out the logistics of getting three babies and two adults to Target and keeping them all happy at once, and so on. I loved our time together and I still think about it all the time. Sound obsessive much?! Oh well I don’t care, it was a perfect visit, and I doubt we will ever be able to top it, and that’s okay b/c it happening just once was so incredibly fun! A huge thank you to her for driving so far and enduring a lot of stress to do so to create so many great memories! And also to my parents for watching the boys, which they are always so sweet and quick to do!

Kyle – I love Kyle so very much! He knows absolutely nothing about music, well he knows very little. I don’t know a lot – such as who sings what song, but I know a decent amount of music and oldies, etc. The other night I was cleaning up the house and I came into his office and told him that sometimes I just want to bust out and sing clips of songs to him but I know he’d have no idea what I was talking about. And I started singing, “Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you there’s no one else above you? You feel my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness, ease my troubles, that’s what you do…” And I kept singing until I didn’t know any more words. I said do you know that song? And he said, “No.” Haha – he had no idea. Then I sang it the rest of the time I cleaned. It was fun. I’ve decided I don’t care if he knows the song, he probably won’t listen anyway, but he will be serenaded from time to time – whether he likes it or not!

Tommy – Can I just tell you what an amazing big brother Tommy is developing into? I’m not gonna lie I get a little teary eyed thinking about it. I realize he’s 2 ½ but if his attitude towards his brother when he gets older is anything like it is now, I will be thrilled! He does some of it selfishly b/c he gets attention for it, but other times he does it completely on his own. Anyway I digress (I’ve always wanted to say that! And I just did.) So something I’ve come to realize as a parent is that there are things that Kyle and I find sweet and cute that Tommy does, but as he grows and changes he stops doing so many things that we kind of forget about them. Let me clarify. I used to dream about what it would be like when Tommy started walking, but in reality I had no idea. Once he started walking there would be little things that I would find so cute about him following me, etc. Now he walks so much and so well that I don’t even notice him following me. Well a precious thing he does that I want to remember is how we play this “knocking” game at his bedroom door. When Tom gets up from his nap he might just lay in bed and cry until I come get him, or he will get up and play for a little bit and when he’s done he’ll come and knock o his bedroom door – basically signaling “Mom, I’m done. Can you come let me out?!” Anyway the other day I was standing at the door and he would knock, then I would knock. And he can knock pretty well, but you can still tell it is the sweetest little knock of a child. I just stood there and smiled as he would knock, then I would knock, and he would giggle. Then he would knock, I would knock, and he would giggle. And then I would say, “Who’s there?!” And he’d respond, “Aaaaaah.” “Is that Tommy?!” “Aaaaah!” And more knocking. As I stood there I realized some day this game will stop and I will probably forget all about it b/c he will be big enough to open the door on his own. It’s kind of insane how fast he is growing up and into such a wonderful, sweet boy! I am so very blessed to be his Mama! It’s okay, be jealous, I’m sure God understands – I mean He’s the One who made Tommy so great ;)

Silas – Oh my Silas boy! How you are growing into such a big and handsome little guy! He has the most charming little eyes you have ever seen! Silas has been a little fussy lately – especially Sunday – the time change is not our friend. I really have no idea how many times I fed that kid that day just to keep him happy. I don’t typically do this b/c I don’t want him to think if he fusses he gets a snack, but I knew his whole schedule was off and quite frankly I was too tired to fight it. While he’s been a little fussy, he is still such a happy boy. He LOVES his big brother to pieces! And that is also an encouragement to Tommy b/c he sees & hears Silas laugh and grin at him and it makes him want to play with him more. Silas started saying “Mama” this week – just jabbering of course and also “Nana”. Kyle said Tommy is now his favorite b/c Silas has chosen his side. (Tommy said Dada first and waited a very long time to say Mama.) The other night I had such a sweet time with Silas and Tommy. Silas is getting pretty active and playful. So I had Silas in the bumbo with the tray on it, he was playing with a couple of toys and patting/banging on the tray, while Tommy and I threw the football (which he is getting super good at throwing and catching…yes sir, my boy can catch. He’s pretty much a pro. Gonna make us millions.) and we played trucks. Both boys were happy and playing and I was thoroughly enjoying it! So much of my time is spent in taking care of the boys that at the end of the day that feels like all I’ve done, I’ve cared for them – changed their diapers, fed them, pacified them, even played with them – but I haven’t really enjoyed it. That might sound terrible to you, or it might sound relatable – either way it’s the truth of how I feel. I know I am caring well for them but I want to enjoy, I know time is already flying by and I don’t want to take it for granted, but it’s impossible for me to enjoy all my time with them. And to clarify I immensely enjoy being with them and being able to stay home with them and care for them – but it’s so busy and one thing right after the other that it’s hard to focus on having “fun”. And I mean when I try to have fun – that’s not when those special times happen, they occur naturally at random times – sometimes it’s a good amount of time like 30 minutes to an hour, like what I just described above, but that’s rare – that’s a long time. Usually we have 10 minutes here or there where I get some good belly laughs out of them, or they just make me laugh b/c they are seriously funny. So when I do have those sweet moments I do try to cherish them! Silas is growing so fast, just like big brother, and I am so thankful God added him to our family – I used to think what will life be like with another one, how will this work – but now I can’t even imagine what it was like before he was here, it seems like he’s always been with us.

Sheeew, Mushy Mondays hopefully won’t always be this long.


  1. I lOVE this post for a million reasons! 1) It took me back to that great day we had together doing the simplest things like going to Target and grabbing a quick lunch and those deeeelicious slushies 2) I love how your writing is exactly like you telling a story and it puts funny pictures in my of you bursting out in random song to Kyle! 3) Because you're a little bit of a nerd saying "I digress...I've always wanted to say that!" hahahah that made me laugh. 4) That precious knock knock game you and Tommy play 5) Tommy's smile 6) Silas' cheeks!!!!! 7) Your honesty about those rare but special moments when you thoroughly enjoy doing something with your kiddos after it seems like all you've done is wipe boogers and poo and dry tears and feed mouths and clean up messes over and over again. I can so relate. I WUV you through and through! (Sound obsessive? I don't care!)

  2. So I just saw this comment today! What a sweet surprise! I WUV you and you are not obsessive! I'm about to write a new post for the first time in 5 years! I'm the worst blogger ever.
