Friday, January 4, 2013

Mushy Monday - Long time no see

It's yet again official I stink at blogging. Oh well. Life goes on.

So my boys are growing up way too fast right before my eyes! Tommy will be 3 in April?! Say what?! How old am I? Old enough to have a three year old and another beautiful baby boy who is on his way to being 8 months old! Again, say what?! Haha I'm in a really random goofy mood, can you tell?

There are about a million mushy posts I could write so I'm scanning through my brain to think of things I don't want to forget, maybe if I blogged more often I wouldn't have to think so hard. Let's make a list of precious things to remember about my kids, here we go (feel free to join in or add on in your head or with a comment at the end of this post):

1.) The way Tommy says, "Bye" whenever I close my phone after texting, when I get off the phone with someone, when he closes the door to a room he is leaving, when he hears me from his room after nap time and I'm getting off the phone with someone (hilarious, little muffled "BYE" when I have no idea he's even listening)

2.) Silas boy is into EVERYTHING! This boy is going to be a handful. A handsome handful. I think he might be a little "troublemaker" in the sense that he's very adventurous and wants to explore anything he can get his hands on. He loves big kid toys, baby toys, things that aren't toys. He want to hold it, shake it, bite it, hit his head with it. He rolls everywhere to get into everything. He's speedy gonzaleze (how do you spell that?) (who cares how you spell that? not me)

3.) My heart melts every time my boys laugh at each other! The other day we caught Tommy out of his bed playing peek-a-boo through Silas' bumper on the baby bed. Silas totally told on him...with his loud belly laughs that we heard down the hall. One of the most precious memories I hope to store in my memory FOREVER! (FYI one of the few times Tommy has not received a spanking for getting out of bed when he was supposed to be falling asleep, who can spank a sweet big brother making his brother giggle?! Not this mom and dad!)

4.) I love putting my boys in matching outfits. They got several cute outfits for Christmas and I wish I could dress them alike every day. I never thought I would be that mom but I totally am.

5.) We listened to Bill Cosby comedy CDs on the way to and from St. Louis for Christmas. 5 Stars - I love my Bill!

6.) Kyle got a dozen krispy kreme donuts for Christmas. First, way to go with creativity mom and dad. Second, it was his favorite Christmas gift. And I'm glad he shared it with me.

7.) Some of these things in this list are not about my kids...are you still reading...

8.) Tommy is the best big brother in the world, I love to watch him be sweet to Silas. Sometimes he's a little rough with him but Silas is starting to think that's funny.

9.) My kids are obsessed with Signing Times DVDs. Yes I let my kids watch TV, I used to feel guilty but I try not to now, we don't just watch TV, and honestly I really enjoy watching TV.

10.) Silas is sitting up really well now! He still throws himself back though and so the boppy is always behind him. He's starting to belly crawl a little bit too. Oh and the nurse who gave him his shot at his 6 month check up (even though he was actually almost 7 months) said she thought he was really advanced for his age, socially. Did I mention he weighs 20 lbs?! Big boy! Oh and I'm starting to wean him, TMI? Stop reading then. Haha just kidding! I plan to make it a slow process so he takes one bottle a day around noon, he seems to like formula which is a blessing. He still hasn't had a tooth poke through but there are days when you can definitely tell it wants to.

11.) Tommy is getting so big and strong. His pants are starting to become high waters on him, so I need to invest in some 24 month pants. However this little skinny minny can't keep them up around his waste. So if you see him high waters, don't make fun of him, or I'll punch you. Just kidding I won't, but he might ;) Kyle's trying to teach him to play "box". Tommy usually ends up spinning in circles punching himself in the face, in a silly and fun way, not dangerously or violently - don't worry. He's a nut. Tommy loves to entertain and make people laugh. I was worried on our trip to St. Louis that he would just be shy the whole time and not be himself and that everyone would think that's how he always acted. Not true. He performed  like crazy. Including several repeat performances of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, in sign language, for everyone in the kitchen. He LOVED the applause and wanted to keep singing.

12.) I am so thankful for my husband. I have recently been thinking about what a gift marriage and a good Godly husband is. God has used Kyle to mold me and shape me into a far better woman than I was before he married me, and he chose to marry me back then?! Crazzzy. Kyle is my very best friend and closest confidant. I hope that a few years from now I will look back and see how the Lord has used him to encourage and grow me even more.

13.) The things that Tommy and Silas do that are just alike. For example - Silas' tongue is always out, just like big brother. Silas' tongue goes crazy when he's working hard at something, like Tom's. Their faces when they cry. They both love to play with the tags on toys - Silas loves them more than Tommy, but they both let them run over their hands and have a steady "eeeeeh" noise they make while they do it. How they will make a sound or noise with their mouth (mama, dada, etc.) and then stop for a long time and don't want to make it again for weeks or months or in Tommy's case years.

14.) Tommy loved climbing up the stairs and sliding down them in St. Louis. Until the point he had rug burn on his chin. My favorite memory was Aunt Rita Claire climbing up with him and his cousin Addy and then seeing her slide down the stairs with both in her lap. So sweet!

15.) Tommy love, love, loooves to have his back scratched.  He sits so still, like a statue and if you stop he signs more.  And now, he loves his shoulders rubbed! Who is this kid?!

The end. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2013!

(I would have uploaded a picture of the boys in matching outfits but the website is acting weird. Sorry.)

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