Monday, January 28, 2013

Mushy Monday - Dancing

I had hoped to share some videos of the boys but apparently this great website won't allow it. My blog may soon be looking for a new home. Boo - frustrating.

Anyway there is a super sweet story from this week that I wanted to share anyway. Tommy loves to dance! Usually it consists of him spinning around and around and around in circles until he gets really dizzy and basically falls down. He'll "snap" (tries to snap) while he spins, he claps, he shakes his hands, he points his fingers in the air, he'll pat his legs, he'll pat his head - all while spinning. It's pretty darn cute. Well his love started out for dancing when I would hold him and we would dance but we don't do that as often any more b/c frankly it wears me out. It's good exercise. Yesterday I had Pandora on - Tom loves oldies music, it's his favorite. Anyway I was sitting in the recliner b/c I had a headache and my sweet baby came up to me and took both my hands and was asking me to dance with him. Melt my heart. I couldn't resist. I picked him up and we danced around the room. Some day this kid might be too cool to dance with his mom. I say might b/c I mean really - can a mom get much cooler than this?! Haha just kidding! I know he won't always want to dance with me. But I felt like he was such a little gentleman how he came up and gently took me by the hands. Precious boy.

Sweet Silas baby is doing all kinds of things this month. He started signing "more" (especially for puffs) and clapping his hands today! My little chubby cheeked man! He is a cutie pie!

Tommy also figured out how to climb up his slide this week! Woohoo! Kyle brought his slide in from outside - I cleaned it off - and Tom's been having a ball. It's fun but it takes up way to much room in the house. Some day we hope to have a big play room where we can have fun things like that in the house all the time.

Here are my little sweetie pies! Getting so big - Tom is 2 years and 9 months old and Silas is 8 months old here.

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