Wednesday, January 16, 2013

5 things

Through out my busy day of taking care of everyone in the household, including the dog, I tend to mentally complain. So to help combat that urge I want to think about 5 things I love & am thankful for in each person in our house, even the dog.

1. His sense of humor - he always makes me laugh
2. How he spends time with us - we love when we have good shows to watch on Netflix together
3. The way he loves & plays with the boys
4. When he gives me a break by taking a kid off my hands for a while
5. The way he provides for our family by working & by his leadership

1. His sweet & caring personality - he is so affectionate
2. His laughter!
3. The way he LOVES to dance
4. How precious & kind he is to Silas
5. The way he surprises me each day with how smart he is

1. Those cheeks! That smile! Those eyes!
2. How strong & mobile he is
3. The sweet noises he babbles
4. The way he LOVES his big brother - melts my heart
5. How he loves tags, jumping, puffs, and ice

1. She's the prettiest dog I have ever seen
2. She is beyond amazing with the boys - Tommy will take her bone out of her mouth while she's chewing on it & she gently takes it back.
3. Tommy & Silas love her
4. She is submissive
5. She is smart for a dog ( I clarify saying dog b/c I wish she was people smart)

Everyday has different challenges but I praise The Lord for how He has blessed me through my family. Even on long, rough days there are still lots of hugs, kisses, snuggles, at least one good belly laugh from my boys, and most likely at least one dance party to some oldies music with Tommy. I am beyond grateful to be able to wrap my arms around my boys and love on them each day. They're asleep right now, I find I feel strong affection towards them at this time ;) I love my days with them, and I love nap & bed time too!

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