Monday, January 21, 2013

Mushy Monday!

Sorry for no pictures recently, the IPad won't let me upload them on the blog. Boo. I'm currently not in a mushy mood the past couple of days Silas has been fussy. Not all day, praise The Lord, but for a good chunk of time here & there. He was just fussing up a storm before bed, one of those nights your not sad to put your kids to bed. Tom has been great though, I think The Lord is so kind to me in that its typically only one kid struggling at a time.

Ok my mushy memory is Tommy's new found love for our dog Maggie. He goes over to where ever she's laying down in the house lays flat on his belly & gets face to face with her. So cute! Then he sits up & puts his hands out for her to lick, then his feet, then he puts his head down because he likes her to lick the top of his head not his face (thankfully). It's like he's her little puppy & she's giving him a bath. It somewhat grosses me out at times but it makes them both happy & it's super cute! He loves to pick up her chew toy/bone and take it to her wherever she is in the house. And he likes to take it away from her & tease her with it. She is always so gentle & sweet to Tommy too. I hope Tommy has one of those really sweet & close relationships some people have with their pets, for some reason I have never experienced that but have always wanted to.

I also look forward to a time when the boys will care for Maggie & I don't have too!!!! I don't wish the time away though, it blows my mind that Tom will be THREE years old in April! It just doesn't seem possible!

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