Monday, August 5, 2013

Mushy Monday - 6 years of wedded bliss

Six years ago I married Kyle Marlette. Apart from being saved it is the biggest and best thing The Lord has done in my life!  Kyle pretty much irritates me on a daily basis, usually on purpose.  He makes me smile and laugh, sometimes even as he is irritating me, he has it down to an art.  He cares for me, provides for me and our children, he toughens me up but is kind and patient with me when I need him to be, he listens to me about serious stuff (I can't say the same for the daily menial things haha! But hey I am not always good at listening to those things either.), he sharpens me, he answers all my biblical/spiritual questions without ever making me feel stupid, he flirts with me, he is affectionate, and he is intentional to spend time with me.  I could keep listing things about him that I am so grateful for.  The Lord has blessed me immeasurably through Kyle.  I love being able to completely be myself and know that I am being loved!  There are times when I know I am getting on Kyle's nerves, for example when I'm extremely hyper and around my best friends or sisters; and there are times I can just feel the grossness and weight of my sin when I have lost my temper with Kyle; and then there are times when I'm having an extremely emotional day and I'm over sensitive and getting on my own nerves; but at the end of all those things I know that Kyle is still there to love and forgive me and that is because of the grace that Christ has extended to us.  It is hard to believe it's already been six years, but at the same time it's hard to believe it hasn't been longer.  I am thankful for the companionship and love of my husband.  And while we are waaaaaay less mushy then we used to be with each other before we were married, there is a deeper sincerity, maturity, and appreciation to our love that has grown with time and I look forward to watching it grow as long as The Lord will allow it (which I hope is a very long time b/c I like Kyle a lot.)

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