Monday, July 16, 2012

Mushy Monday - Brothers!

Need I say more?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my boys! Each week that passes by it seems that life is becoming more and more manageable with these two cuties! Oh they melt my heart! My mushy post for today is to remember how Tommy is developing a love for his little brother. He is being affectionate and loving towards Silas all on his own. My favorite is when he doesn't even know we're watching. When we are watching and he knows it, Tommy enjoys the attention and will be sweet to Silas so he can hear us exclaim "AWWW!" But today I was watching from the kitchen while Tommy was playing in the family room, I was watching to make sure he was being careful and not throwing things at Silas, whether it be intentional or unintentional. Anyway Silas was in his little bouncy seat facing the window, Tommy walked behind the seat, rubbed Silas' head gently and just kept walking to his next activity! How precious! Oh how it brings joy and love to my heart! Yesterday Tommy didn't know I was watching and Silas was on the couch, Tommy walked up and gave Silas knuckles b/c clearly Silas' fist hanging out meant he wanted knuckles from his big brother :) I look forward to watching this love, friendship, and brotherhood grow through out the years!


  1. Oh Jill they are just too cute!! I love reading about your precious boys! They are going to grow up to be Best Friends :)

  2. So beautiful! Thank you for mentioning that each day becomes more manageable! I always get a little panicky about our family growing, not because I don't want more babies, but because I worry about being able to do it all!
