I am actually really enjoying having two boys now. I was very scared the first few weeks b/c to be frank, I was not enjoying it. But it's hard when you have a baby that won't stop crying and a two year old who wants to be loved on and played with and it seems like you can't keep either of them happy. At the time I thought I didn't want more kids but my mind has now changed. I just think we'll try to space them apart a little longer next time, but the Lord may have other plans, we shall see.
Silas is 7 weeks old today! He is such a handsome little guy and he is so sweet. He is smiling, his favorite smiley time is in the mornings, when it's just me and him. Tommy is really starting to like him now, he comes up and gets in his face and smiles at him, gives him kisses, loves on him. But we also deal with Tommy hitting him, not really hard but it's in a mean/I want a reaction from mom and dad, type of way. So he gets in trouble if he does that, or if he intentionally throws a toy at him. He's only intentionally thrown a block at him once or twice and he threw it softly - it was clear he knew he wasn't supposed to be doing it. Oh the life of a rebellious toddler. Tommy is definitely testing the waters these days. And in big news - he now knows how to throw a fit! AAAH! Where do kids learn this stuff?! But we are quick to discipline him in hopes that it won't stick. I mean when I was little I never threw a fit! My mom commented the other day that Tommy was just taking after his mama. I was the baby of four girls, I threw way too many fits. Oh well, we do the best we can. He's a happy healthy, beautiful two year old boy and we love him so much!
It's been so fun for me to watch Kyle and Tommy's relationship change in the past couple of months. Tommy is his daddy's shadow. Kyle loves to play computer games and now he has to shut the door to the office when he goes play or his shadow comes in and takes over the office. Kyle let's him come in for a little while and sit with him, but then Tom gets antsy and starts pulling things off the desk or knocking things over. Anyway this morning Kyle was walking out of the family room towards the office and I said, "Are you going to play a game?" and Tommy responded, "Yeah." Haha it was hilarious! Kyle is enjoying the extra attention from Tommy too. Tommy's at a fun age where he loves to play little games and is very curious about everything. It gives me so much joy to watch Kyle and Tommy's friendship. I love it! Oh and Kyle has also informed me that this "hobby" of video and computer games is going to end up costing us big bucks some day when all three of them need their own computer to play games together. Oh my word!
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