Monday, July 30, 2012

Mushy Monday - Silas Smiles

Silas has been smiling since he was exactly 4 weeks old. But he is smiling more and more all the time and it is PRICELESS! His whole face lights up! Silas is a very serious baby. He has the nickname: Grumpy (from Kyle), Silas the serious, serious Silas...and so on. He is a studier, he's not a big snuggler, he's very strong and sturdy, and very healthy, aka chunky! Anyway when he smiles it absolutely melts my heart! His eyes smile along with his precious mouth. And those cheeks! Those chubby chubby cheeks raise up and and he has a little dimple on the right side of his mouth. He's so stinking handsome, and his eyelashes are growing. We had a chat the other day, Silas and I did, about how the girls will be chasing him and his big brother, especially with their amazing lashes. But not to worry mommy will fight them off. Silas boy is now 2 months old, we went to the doctor and he's 13lbs 4 oz, 23 1/2 inches long, 98th percentile! That's my baby! Here's a peek at his priceless grins!

Oh my word! How my heart grows everyday with more love for this boy! He is just so stinking precious!

Big Brother and Little Brother

And my precious Tom Tom! My heart is seriously overflowing! I now understand why people keep having kid after kid. It's rough in the beginning but the rewards are such a blessing! I can't believe how Tommy is growing! He is so stinking big! His torso is sooo long! He looks so unproportional in outfits b/c his shirts are huge, to cover his belly (lengthwise not b/c he's fat), and his shorts are tiny b/c he's so skinny they have to be small to stay up, and his little legs are short too. What a blessing Tommy is, I was thanking the Lord last night for how well Tommy responds to correction and discipline. We are trying to teach him not to throw toys, something he's been doing for almost his whole life. He has just gotten too strong so it hurts if you get hit by them and for Silas' safety it's time to stop that "fun" game. But he is doing much better than anticipated with it, and our house is staying much straighter! I hope that all of our children listen and respond as well as Tommy does. And I'm sure as I type this, he'll wake up from his nap and not listen to a thing I say for the rest of the day! haha! That's just how it goes, if you brag about something they do, they usually stop right after!

I love my boys...but now I need a girl ;)

1 comment:

  1. What precious boys! They are going to be best friends growing up :)
