Saturday, February 23, 2013


We are having our third little baby! So whenever I find out someone is pregnant I have lots of questions that run through my brain so let's see if I can answer anything you might be wondering.

Yes this baby was a big surprise.

Tommy is 34 months old and Silas is 9 months old. When the new baby comes Tommy will be 3 1/2 and Silas will be 16 months old.

My due date is September 13th, 2013 and I am currently 11 weeks along.

We will be finding out if our little one is a boy or girl this time! Woo - fist time we're ever finding out so this has made me super excited. I am hoping for a girl, Kyle thinks we're having a boy. We should find out mid to end April.

We are very happy and very excited, truly, even though this was not what we had planned. God clearly has a plan for this child's life and we're excited to see what it is.

If the baby is a girl her name will be Ella Christine, if the baby is a boy we have no idea what the name will be. Tommy has suggested Abracadabra.

We do not have a set number of children we'd like to have it honestly I would be A Okay with three little blessings. I say that now but time will tell. And clearly it is not just up to us.

Yes we do know how this keeps happening.

So far family and friends have been super supportive and encouraging when we've shared the news and we are very grateful for that. When I first thought that I might be pregnant I felt a little embarrassed thinking people would think we were being irresponsible. But we know God is in control and His will is better than ours, and we know He says children are a blessing, and we agree!

I have been feeling pretty good, nauseated at times but overall it's been tolerable. I am tired but it seems like I have more energy this pregnancy than I did with Silas. I have started getting the dreaded tension headaches that I got with both boys but warm showers to loosen my neck muscles and caffeine seem to help the most. With Silas Benadryl helped tremendously but not this time around.

I am having a lot more difficulty with food this pregnancy. It's insane. Things that I usually love sound repulsive and I can't eat it. It's becoming difficult, annoying, and wasteful. Something will sound good, I'll make it, take a few bites and I can't eat it. It's gross. This is so sad because I love to eat. I need to eat but sometimes it's so discouraging I wait as long as I possibly can.

I am still nursing Silas. Breast feeding is not birth control. Poster child right here. Yes the doctors and nurses warned me, but what do they know? Haha! I am weaning him now, we're down to one feeling a day and soon I will be finished all together. I'm super pumped about this! (For all you moms out there wondering, I was nursing four times a day when this sweet surprise happened, he was eating baby food too though)

I have no clue where we are going to put this third cold. Our house is perfect for our family of four but will be cramped with five, but that's okay we're blessed to live here for such a good deal ;) right mom and dad?! (They own the house we live in and are very generous landlords. The best I've ever had!)

We will be looking into getting a better minivan, we have a suuuuuuuper used van that is running out of steam and is really only used on occasion.

The boys are really excited. Just kidding, they have no clue what's going on, but if you ask Tommy if he wants to be a big brother again he says "yeah". He also says that if you ask him if he wants a spanking. ;)

I think that about covers it. The end.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Mushy Monday - Tommy's sickness

January 28th 2013 - the first time Tommy ever threw up, and I wasn't even there. I took they boys to spend the night with my parents last Monday night, only to return to pick up Tom about two hours later. He was committing, had diarrhea and wanted his mama. My mom said after he threw up he pointed at the door and was whining and she said you want mama? And he said yeah. Poor pitiful Tom!

I rushed to pick him up and felt so bad that I wasn't there when he got sick. He threw up for a little under 24 hours, got a fever, and then had horrible diarrhea for a few days. If you think this is gross, you didn't have to clean it up, and please don't feel pressured to read this. It really is for my memory sake. This is the sickest Tom has ever been. I took him to the doctor on Wednesday and he said it was the stomach bug and to do culturelle which is a kids probiotic powder to get his belly back on track. (FYI much cheaper at Walmart then it is at Walgreens, lesson learned). The doc said I could give Silas the probiotic too (1/2) the amount to try and help his stomach not get it. So far the rest of us have been spared, praise The Lord and pray that continues!

Tommy got so weak he couldn't walk, his little legs would just shake and wobble and give in. Today, a week later he just got his full appetite back but is still to weak to walk more than a few steps. But you can tell he feels so much better! When he was sick we would hold him and he would just scream & cry and there was nothing we could do to comfort him. It was awful. He slept a lot. We put the pack n play in the family room & he would sleep through us talking, watching to, etc. he was wiped out.

I am thankful that he has never been this sick before and I wish he would never be this sick again, but it's bound to happen. It broke my heart to see my boy in so much discomfort and to not be able to help him. But I am so glad that it was temporary and he's doing great now! Thank you Lord!

So I can't remember if I posted that Silas started clapping and signing more last week! And I'm too lazy to go back and read before posting, so oh well if I repeated myself! Silas is trying to actually say more too. It's pretty cute. It's crazy to think that Silas will probably talk and say words before Tommy. It will be weird but so fun! It was so sweet the first day Tommy got back on the floor to lay around, rather than always being in our arms & being purposefully separated from his brother, you could tell they missed each other. So sweet. And Maggie missed Tom too!

My parents were so kind and selfless to help while Tommy was sick. My mom kept Silas Tuesday, which allowed me to focus on caring for Tommy & my dad took Wednesday off of work to come and help me ALL day while Kyle was gone to class (it was his first day of class otherwise he would have skipped to help me) & work (which he had almost missed two weeks of from him having a horrible cold & some of his students being sick). Pap Pap used his vacation time to help me, and I would not have made it through the day without him, literally! Tommy wanted to constantly be held & I can't do that & feed Silas. Poor Silas was neglected some this past week but we're trying to make up for it now! Thank you thank you thank you mom & dad! You are the very best!

My sister Jennifer came over Friday night to help too! It was so nice to have a visitor and she entertained Tom & gave me a break. She went and got him his own ice cream sundae from McDonald's too! She kind of spoils him. Just a little bit.