Monday, July 18, 2011

Mushy Monday

My mushy moment for today was getting to have some time texting with my best friend. I miss her. She lives in another state but we try to talk every week. We usually end up talking all through out the week, whether by phone, texting, or the occasional skype date. Anyway she just has such a genuinely sweet heart and I am so thankful she is my friend. She had texted me just to see how Tommy was doing, if he was less fussy than what he had been a day or two before. So thoughtful! And then she mentioned how she wished she was closer so she could come give me a break when I need one. God is so good to provide such encouraging and uplifting friend in my life!

Also, I remembered a HILARIOUS memory this week and called her up to tell her about it. It may not sound as funny repeating it but if you were there you would laugh. And I will type it out so I don't ever forget it. So when Kyle and I had been dating for a couple of weeks we had our first kiss!!! AAAH! EXCITING! Well here's the first funny thing, we said we wanted to wait a little while before we kissed...that equalled two weeks! Any how, Kyle and I had a habit of hanging out really late, b/c we were in college, we liked spending time together and that's what you do in college. So he takes me back to my dorm and he had left his backpack up in my room earlier. So I went up to get it (he wasn't allowed to go it was after the allowed time for boys to go upstairs) and when I got to my room I was sooooo giddy, and low and behold Sarah was laying asleep in my bed. She wanted to tell me goodnight and had fallen asleep waiting for me to get home! Such a good friend! She is seriously like an additional sister to me (I have 3 biologically haha). So she gets up and looks at the time and asks if I'm just getting back. She's whispering while my roommate is asleep. Then I told her Kyle and I kissed and she fell on the ground and gasped! It was very dramatic, but funny dramatic (as it was intended). I literally laugh out loud when I remember this! Then she came downstairs with me to congratulate Kyle, I was Kyle's first kiss. That's also a WONDERFUL mushy moment to remember!

Anyway I love my friend!

1 comment:

  1. You are the best friend a girl could ask for! I was just thinking earlier when I was looking through your latest FB pics, "I wonder if Jill wrote a 'Mushy Monday' story?" And what a sweet one it was! I'm so thankful we can keep up via texts, calls, skypes, and occasional visits :) You're a blessing, Jill. Also, GREAT work on all your meal planning and posting all those recipes! Let me know how the soup turned out. I WUV YOU!
