Monday, July 25, 2011

Mushy Monday

So this/these moment(s) did not just happen today, they have been happening regularly lately and I am SOOOOO grateful for them! Kyle has really been helping me a lot more with Tommy lately and it's been so very helpful! This mainly involves him playing with him and taking Tommy off my hands after he's been fussing for a while. Words cannot express how much I appreciate this! Tommy has been teething, molar teething, so for a little over a week he's been super fussy. Kyle has told me that he's been more intentional about trying to get down on the floor and play with him and I told him I had definitely noticed and thanked him for it. It's funny b/c with Tommy it's not just playing, in the back of our heads we're thinking about, "how is this physically challenging him?" and "is this mentally stimulating?" and to share that responsibility lifts weight off my shoulders. And a break from fussiness, even if it's 10 minutes, is glorious! Kyle will be playing his computer game in his office, and will hear Tommy fussing for a while (not consoling himself) and he'll come out and get him and take Tom to play his game with him. Tommy is very interested in the computer and likes to smack Kyle's desk.

If I'm in deep sleep, I can sleep through Tommy crying, even screaming now. And the other night Kyle was going to bed after me and Tommy woke up crying (thank you teething) and Kyle stayed up an hour and forty five minutes with him, trying to calm him down. It didn't work. Kyle just had to lay him back down and let him cry it out. But an hour and forty five minutes?! I don't know if I would have lasted that long! So sweet!

And one of the things he does regularly for me, that I need and appreciate, is he tells me to take a break. Knowing we had a busy week, I was exhausted, and Tommy was fussing - he was heading out to work as I was doing a review with Tommy's physical therapist to determine his therapy for the next 6 months, and Kyle just sweetly said, "When she leaves make sure you take some time to relax. Take a break." And just hearing him say that I thought, "yeah, I need to do that." It sounds small but it's such a BIG help to hear that.

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