Monday, July 25, 2011

Tommy's 15 month check up...

was AWFUL! Apparently this is the norm for 15 month check ups. In fact the doctor reassured me it's expected of this age. Not necessarily what I wanted to hear, we're hoping that all this new fussiness is due to teething issues, which we still think it is, but it could be a new stage (hopefully a quick stage) in Tommy's development. Tommy actually lost a few ounces this time, I asked if it could be related to his heart issue but he said it's typical at this age. And he hasn't been eating well with his teeth hurting so much. He grew an inch and a half.

I learned that they have taken all Infant's Tylenol off the market and now you have to buy Children's Tylenol, which is less concentrated, so the dosage is different. But there is a Bubble Gum flavor and Tommy loved it. He sounded like he said, "mo" for "more". Haha!

Anyway Tommy was happy to show everyone "How Big?" he was. But as soon as he had to get weighed, he cried and screamed, he fought being measured in length, and having his head measured. Then he whined at his doctor the whole time. And screamed at his shot. Every other doctor appointment, he's been a jewel, and pridefully I thought, "I'm glad my baby isn't screaming like all the others." WRONG, this time mine was the only baby screaming, all the others were being gems. Oh la dee, life goes on. I really like our doctor though, he treats Tommy like every other baby, he keeps him on the same growth chart but only tells me where he is on it if I ask (I think he does this to help me not dwell on it). Some parents may not like this approach but I've learned to really appreciate it. I wasn't sure how I felt about it at first but I definitely think it has helped mold my way of thinking about him too. When it comes to medical issues, we treat him normal until we find a reason not to. Apart from his heart issue, which hasn't shown any trouble yet (praise the Lord), he hasn't had any problems (and another praise the Lord)! Tommy hasn't had a single ear infections! We are so grateful! I actually was beginning to wonder if he could have one at this dr. appointment b/c of how fussy he was - nope all good! But it can be overwhelming when you read about all the "increased chances" of your baby being able to have "this" or "that" b/c they have DS, and also all the tests they want done. Now granted I know they are recommended for a reason and I very much appreciate and respect that information, but as a parent it can feel very overwhelming to handle all of that. We want to keep an eye out for anything that could be wrong, but at the same time I don't want to keep looking until I find something either.

Doctor gave his approval, he's proud of the improvement Tommy's made with his physical therapy and he can see his muscle tone improving every time we see him. And I'll end with a sweet picture of my baby boy! Love you buddy!

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