Monday, September 12, 2011

Mushy Monday

Once again so many big/busy things have happened this past week. One great thing was Tommy and I (along with my parents and Granny Jane) were able to travel to see my sister and brother-in-law find out if they were having a boy or girl...well they're having a boy! And we all thought she was having a girl! Needless to say we were very excited!

We also celebrated my mom's birthday. Birthdays are so fun when everyone comes in town! We had a great time going out to eat, playing games, and celebrating our mom!

My mushy post will once again be about my sweet and precious little Mama's Boy! I feel bad b/c I've been complaining a lot about him being too much of a mama's boy. He doesn't even like for me to leave the room, he starts crying. It's sad. But I know he'll grow out of it and until then I just need to be patient with him and encourage him to play well on his own.

One of Tommy's favorite things is my hair. He LOVES it! And I am 100% okay with this, it's super sweet. It's like his security blanket. He holds on to it when I'm holding him and then when he's all snuggly, he lays back in my lap with his pacifier in his mouth and reaches back to play with my hair while we watch TV. I LOVE this! But the sweetest thing is now he will army crawl/roll across the room and come over, get on his knees (trying to climb) reach up my back (while leaning on it) and get my hair. RIDICULOUS! And oooooh so cute!

I have been doing my make up in the family room in front of a mirror we have for Tommy to play in front of. Well I sit on the floor to do this. So Tommy being halfway across the room, sees me sit down, and now starts to come over by me and tries to climb all over me and climb on my back to play with my hair, whether it's down or in a pony tail. I wish I could get this on video. But unfortunately there is not a camera that automatically starts filming when my little one does sweet, precious, and funny things.

Oh how I love my little boy and I don't want him to ever completely grow out of being a mama's boy.

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