Monday, October 3, 2011

Mushy Monday

This weekend we were able to walk and raise money for a local organization that supports individuals with Down Syndrome, along with their families.  They have served as a great resource for us so far and they will continue to more and more as Tommy gets older.

Here's a picture of Tommy's Team:

Aunt Jennifer, Tommy, Nana Jan, Aunt Sherry, Ken, PawPaw Rob, Grammy Patti, Pappy Dave, and me

It was a pretty chilly morning! But we all enjoyed the walk and look forward to doing it again next year. It will be fun as Tommy gets older and he can get excited and feel special that we are all walking for him.

My heart is also very thankful and sad today.  Another mom, who I met through the Down Syndrome organization, lost her three year old son yesterday.  My heart aches for her and her family.  I cannot even imagine what she is going through.  I am so very sad for their loss. I am so grateful that God is in control but if I were her I fear that I would be angry with the Lord.  But no matter what in my heart I know that God is sovereign and He is good and I'm glad He is in control.  It also makes me thankful for Tommy's health - that may sound selfish - but I think any parent who has lost a child would desire for people to be thankful for what they have and not take it for granted.

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