Thursday, October 13, 2011

A not so Mushy Thursday?!

So I didn't post anything on Monday half way b/c I forgot and I also just haven't been feeling very mushy! That sounds weird to say feeling mushy but you know what I mean. But there have been lots of very fun and enjoyable times we've had lately and that's probably one of the reasons why I haven't felt extra soft hearted -I've been tooooooo busy!

Last week my sister Julie and my little niece came to visit. That was a lot of fun! Tommy really enjoyed spending time with his sweet cousin. Over the past couple of months he has started liking her more - before he just wasn't interested. But he does allow her in his personal space, which means he likes her. It's always fun to spend time with my sisters and my mom. We went out to lunch, went on walks, just let the kids sit around and play. We tried to take some cute pictures of the babies together but they weren't happy at the same times.

Then this past Tuesday my mom and I went to see one of my other sisters, Jeanne, and had lunch with her and went shopping. Jeanne found a super cute pair of flats for $9 at payless and I copied her and got the same pair a 1/2 size bigger. Jeanne is pregnant with a precious baby boy! I love to see and rub and kiss her belly! (Just like one kiss to tell little Eli I love him)

Kyle had fall break last week which was really nice too! I think we'll both be so excited when he's done with school, which who knows when that will be. But I really do love spending time with my husband and it makes me feel so good to know he enjoys spending time with me too. It's funny b/c when we're home together it just feels more complete and when the other is gone, even though we probably wouldn't have even been in the same room doing the same thing we still know the other is missing. I love being married! And I can't believe we will have been married 5 years in August! It sounds like such a milestone. Anyway I've been super thankful for Kyle as my partner in parenting lately too.  Tommy has started throwing fits and they're pretty hard to get him to calm down from.  We're trying to figure out the most effective way to discipline him and keep our sanity.  So at the wise suggestion of my husband we will putting him in time out in his pack'n'play (that way he won't fight going to bed b/c he thinks he's in trouble) this way it will separate him from the situation and give him a chance to calm down, and so we don't have to hear him whine and cry and scream the whole time. We're also trying to push a second nap back into his schedule. I think a second nap will work wonders but it is hard to fit into his schedule. But I'd rather have a quiet sleeping baby then a crying/fussy/unhappy little guy.  I'm just so thankful I have Kyle to think rationally and to just flat out make decisions of what we're going to do sometimes.  I try to think of too many solutions and then don't end up being consistent with one.  And I feel so frazzled in the midst of it that I need my logical husband to just say, "let's try this..." And I love that I can trust him to make good decisions for us - it's not in a controlling way that he makes decisions b/c he always listens to my thoughts and sometimes we tweak what his original thoughts were but I definitely desire and appreciate his leadership in our marriage.

Once again I am so thankful for what the Lord has been teaching me about emotions and feelings and how they are so deceiving and they are not truth.  When Tommy was having a really rough day I told Kyle I didn't feel loving towards Tommy. I know I love him and I know I'll never stop but when he's throwing a tantrum it's hard to think, I love you. And in those moments I'm not "enjoying" motherhood. I'm so glad I have Tommy and I'm so glad he's ours and I know with all things the bad comes with the good. And I was just thinking from God's perspective too how I make it so hard for Him to love me. I sin and rebel and throw fits b/c I'm not getting what I want. And I also related it to marriage too, sometimes Kyle is a lot easier to love than at other times, and I know the same goes for me. But I know the Lord will always love me, I know I will always love Kyle & Tommy - no matter what my "feelings" are. Hopefully that makes sense.

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