Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mushy Monday

Okay so I'm late again - this is starting to be a theme but oh well at least I'm posting something.  Okay so I have a super sweet post that I just thought about a few minutes ago so I'm glad I didn't post yesterday.  This is something that I never, ever want to forget but more than likely I will tuck it away somewhere in the back of my mind as Tommy gets older b/c there will be so many new and different things he is doing.

So one of the key things to calming Tommy down and getting him to fall asleep is to softly stroke the side of his face, specifically the right side of his face. And also rubbing his little head, in the direction his hair is parted. I don't know what it is but he absolutely melts when I do this and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. When I'm rocking him to calm him down before a nap or bed, if he's tired enough he'll lay his head on my chest and I'll stroke his face and I do it really close to his eye, I don't usually touch his eye (sometimes I do to see if I can feel him blinking to know if his eyes are closed and he's starting to drift off) but it encourages him to close his eyes and relax. And he has such soft sweet baby skin. Aww it may seem like nothing to read this but my sweet baby will not always let me do this and to be honest it would be a little weird if I was doing this when he's 15.  So I cherish his little sweetness.  He is such a boy, he loves to wrestle and play rough, watch cars, play ball, throw things, get into things and explore. But he still cuddles his mama when he's tired.  I have stroked that face and brushed that baby's hair with my hand so many times I don't even realize I'm doing it sometimes and that's when I thought - I never want to forget these sweet moments.  I mean who doesn't love a sleeping baby?! And let alone when they fall asleep in your arms.

We've been trying to comfort Tommy by patting him and not picking him up when he wakes up during the night b/c he automatically lifts his arms up for you to pick him up.  But let's just be honest, can I really resist my precious boy putting his arms up for me to hold him when he wakes up crying. No way jose! But if he doesn't fall right back to sleep after I hold him for a minute I lay him back down and I'll stroke his face and hair and when he's almost asleep he rolls on his belly into my hand so I can get the right side of his face. Melts my heart.

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