Monday, March 11, 2013

Mushy Monday - Fairy Tales

So this week has been much better. You'll be happy to know I sang loving songs to my kids this week , to my sweet Silas I sang - I like you, I love you, I want some more of you! Yeah he was definitely feeling better, and so was this mama!

Man there's nothing like a good run of sickness ands crankiness to make you appreciate your children's sweet & regular personality!

Well the other day Tommy and I were dancing, one of his favorite past times. Silas was napping. And Tom loves for me to pick him up and hold him while we kind of fast, slow dance - if that makes any sense. He loves to spin in circles and for me to run around like we are doing the tango and run into random things, like the window, the fridge, or the TV. Anyway Taylor Swift's song "Today was a fairy tale" came on. And while we were dancing Tom just leaned and gave me a big ole sloppy kiss on the cheek. Unprompted by me. And I just thought, man today has been a fairy tale. And then I just thought of how my definition, which was once like Taylor's that she's singing about in her song, has completely and totally changed.

A fairy tale to me is no longer this sweet, romantic day with Kyle. Not that it wouldn't be nice and I'd love it. But a sweet, wonderful fairy tale day is one where my boys are joyful, content, and just flat out precious! It means good family time, and then in my dream fairy tale I'd get to go out with their daddy on a date alone, all in the same day. But that day I had good family time and cherished time with my boys. They weren't perfect. Tommy got spankings that day and many corrections - in fact lunch time was a battlefield that day. But it was filled with multiple moments and good chunks of time that I felt like I truly enjoyed being with my boys and nothing else in the world, apart from Jesus, would have been better.

I love to see them smile. I love to hear them laugh. I love to watch them play. I love, on those days, that I'm the most popular person in the house. There's really no contest. Haha just kidding. I love their sweet hugs, snuggles, and kisses. Yes my Silas boy now gives kisses, sometimes I get head butted in the process, I heard my nose make a cracking noise the other day. There is just nothing like it. And I know that I appreciated it more because the week before was so hard. Praise God for His goodness and mercy.

Now clearly we can have multiple definitions or ideas of what a fairy tale is or could look like. I think it's really fun to think about all the different things it can mean. But before my baby boys, Kyle was the only one giving me kisses in my fairy tale and he was the only one I was dancing with. How blessed am I to get to add two, going on three, little ones that I get to dance with and get kisses from?! I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Those boys are so blessed to have you as a mommy! I loved this post and that picture of them is adorbs. Just want to hug and kiss them myself!
