Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mushy Monday - diggin deep

I'm going to have to dig deep into my memory to find some good sweet moments that my boys had this week. Haha! Yes it's been one of those weeks. Sick kiddos, sick mama, and now a sick daddy! Silas boy has been beyond a handful, he has an ear infection, a viral infection, and now his very first tooth!

Something very precious this week was hearing both, yes both, my boys say the name Ella! Lord help us to have a sweet baby girl Ella! If not then let us have a happy Abracadabra! There is a part of me that doesn't feel as scared to have another kid b/c quite frankly Silas hasn't been the easiest of babies. However I do realize it could be much worse. So lets all join hands and pray that this child is more content and laid back than precious Silas boy. Amen.

When Silas isn't sick he is wonderful at playing on his own. I'm amazed by this kid. His speed. His curiosity. His strength. No kidding he is a toddler in a nine month old body. He tries to play with the dishes in the dishwasher. He belly crawls down the hall after the dog. He wants any and every toy Tommy or any other kid has and will fight for it. He might just be a genius some day. I'm a little frightened for when he gets older. He's smart, strong, and has a temper. Should we hold hands again and pray?! Haha! He's as handsome as can be! Many times this week I have looked at both Tommy & Silas and just been taken back by how good looking they are! Man they're handsome! In case you hadn't noticed.

Tommy boy has been a handful at times this week too. Once he got his antibiotic his fussiness subsided quite a bit but he still has his moments, and hours. He's very much into touching everything that he's not supposed to, I always felt so proud of his obedience I leaving things that weren't his alone. Well we've hit that stage. I know curiosity is good for him but I mean it's easier for me without it. Haha just teasing!

In all seriousness I truly truly love my boys! Trust me if I didn't love them I wouldn't still be here after this week. Although I have started singing some pretty crazy songs this week - like "mommy's gonna run away, mommy's gonna run away, mommy's gonna run away. Very far away." And "bedtime, bedtime, it is bedtime. Mommy's favorite time of day." And tonight I made up, to the tune of a pirate song, "what are we gonna do with three kids, what are we gonna do with three kids, what are we gonna do with three kids? We're gonna go insane!" Sounds mean? Well the kids don't understand the words yet, they like me singing, it keeps me light hearted.

Sadly I know some day my boys will be all grown up and weeks like this will be a distant memory. I am thankful I get to be at home with them and to care for them when they are sick. I look forward to having my funny, playful, healthy boys back soon, Lord willing.

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