Monday, March 18, 2013

Mushy Monday - Milestones

Somebody has been overachieving this month. And his name is Silas! He can now sit himself up, crawl on his hands and knees, pull up to his knees and trying to pull to stand, plays peek-a-boo, and has added bye bye to the sounds he can make. Way to go buddy! I was riled when he figured out how to sit himself up! He had been getting so mad every time he'd fall from the sitting position to his belly. Then on my sisters' birthday, March 6th, he got up on all fours and accidentally sat back on his bottom! Then the next day he didn't do it all until the evening, and then he had it figured out.  It was this that led to him figuring out ow to really crawl too! He just accidentally did it a few times and it was a slower progression the the sitting. It took a couple of days to get into the full swing of it but now he's got it down. However his belly crawl is at super speed so he does still do that when he's in a hurry!

The other night I put the boys to bed and I could tell Tommy had gotten out of bed. I heard from their bedroom, "bye, bye,bye, bye" it sounded just like Tom. Much to my surprise it was Silas! I love that they sound just alike! So stinking cute!

Also the boys have been starting to make noises back and forth to each other in the car. Sometimes it's bye bye, sometimes it's just eh, eh, eh. I wish I could video these things, but then it wouldn't be safe to drive with me on the roads!

I think Tommy has noticed the difference in Silas' physical capabilities. He's been playing with him a lot more. The other night they were both in the kitchen playing and I was laying on the family room floor watching from a distance. I was loving just observing them together. They were playing and making each other laugh a little bit. Well then Tommy starts a new game. He ran down the hall and hid next to the bathroom, and Silas was at the other end of the hall and he couldn't see Tom when he'd go by the bathroom. Them Tommy would run out laughing and Silas would start cackling! Again I wish I could have video it, but I knew if I moved I would ruin the game. And some things are sweet to have in our memories and not always on video or in pictures. But I would hate to forget these sweet moments. I would especially like to replay them during those difficult days or weeks, and to think on the good times.

I haven't talked about Kyle in a while - I still like him, I still love him, I still think he's super handsome. Haha! All true! I am very grateful for him. I did the 31 days of praying for your husband cards that are from a book about that (I'm pretty sure that's the title of the book so to write it again would be redundant. And I just got to use the word redundant) I really loved how intentional and specific the cards were as to what to pray for him on that certain day. I plan to do them again next month and focus more on praying through the scriptures for him that are on each card. Kyle is always a great support to me, he listens when I talk to him about serious things, he answers my Biblical questions without making me feel stupid or beneath him - even when some of them are stupid, he is always quick to fix anything I bring to his attention that is bothering me, he has taught me how to be a much better communicator than I ever knew possible, he makes me laugh - a lot, and he just flat out brightens my day. I miss him when he's gone and always look forward to him coming home. The Lord has blessed me with an incredible husband and the boys with a wonderful father.

Pregnancy wise I'm feeling like a crazy woman. I'm still getting lots of headaches, starting to get nauseous again but no throwing up, my belly aches for the muscles being stretched already, I'm hormonal, and food is still somewhat of a struggle. Sheesh. I feel like the typical pregnant woman that you see portrayed on TV. I'm not such a fan of the fact that I feel this way. I don't like to be emotional, I don't like to be picky, and I like to feel normal. But babies are worth it and it won't last forever. But sometimes it feels like it will last forever. Haha!

Okay the end! I'll be sure to update after my doctors appointment, which is today! I should have the date for our ultrasound, where we find out if we are having Ella or Abra! Just kidding, still no boy names picked out.

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