Sunday, March 17, 2013

Newly learned mommy tips coming at ya!

1.) Before brushing your baby/toddler's teeth rub the toothpaste into the toothbrush. That way the clump of toothpaste doesn't just fall off in their mouth and they swallow it, you'll actually get some foaming action.

2.) Buy fresh fruit, cut it up, label a freezer bag so you can reuse it for that fruit, and freeze some goodies for your teething baby. Use those little mesh eating bags and your baby will be entertained and get a healthy, gum soothing treat. I just learned this from two good friends, Critter and Emily! Love mommy friends and their wisdom!  By the way bananas are suuuuuper easy to do this with.

3.) If your toddler can stand very well independently teach them early to enjoy showers. This was very helpful a couple of months ago when Tommy had the stomach bug. It makes cleaning off diarrhea about a Illinois times easier. And it's quick.

4.) Nursing is not birth control! Haha just kidding I know you know that I just had to throw it in there to make myself laugh. It worked.

5.) Make cleaning up toys a fun game! Praise your kids when they do it and start by asking excitedly - do you want to help pick up some toys! Tommy loves it! And honestly it's more fun for metro pick them up with him.

6.) When your toddler is taking a bath - clean them real quick at the beginning of the bath, then pull the shower curtain almost shut, but still where you can supervise, and let them splash like crazy! This was a good tip from my friend Patty!

7.) Pray and sing with your kids before bed. We've found teaching Tommy to fold his hands when we pray and doing songs with motions make it really fun and interactive. He loves being able to participate and he knows which songs we sing. He will start doing the signs for the next song right after we finish the last one b/c he's so excited. We used to sing a couple of songs that didn't require motions, I actually did this until just recently, but Tommy likes being able to "sing" along. Also it is a great routine to get them in the habit of knowing after this, it's hugs and kisses and I go to bed. We sing the songs, "The B I B L E", "Our God is so Great", & "Jesus Loves Me". They are short, sweet, and true! Our Pastor Adam Embry has always done a great job of expressing the importance of singing easy worship songs with your kids as a part of family worship.

8.) Try to ask your toddler for help with things you usually do on your own. I'm really bad at this for a coup,e of reasons, I just don't think of it, and it makes doing easy things harder. But seriously seeing how proud Tommy is to help me is totally worth it! And clearly it teaches him to do things. The other day I had Tom help me make sweet tea for his daddy. We have a tea maker so it's pretty easy. Tommy loved it! And Kyle made sure to thank him and make a big deal over him making his tea for him.

9.) Give your babies lots of big hugs and kisses! There are days I forget to do this! Kids need affection. And some day they won't be so easily accessible and they won't want you to be so affectionate. Be intentional to love on them for their sake and yours!

10.) Try not to over think things. We're trying to figure out if it's time to start disciplining Silas in some manner but figuring out which way is effective is going to be a little bit of a task. I'm sure it was with Tommy too, and I know The Lord was kind to give us guidance and to clearly show us what Tom responded to best. So I pray and know He will do the same with Silas. It's funny b/c they always seemed like light bulb moments with Tommy and I'd think why didn't I think of that before?!

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