Sunday, August 21, 2011

Growing up

It seems like Tommy has grown up a ton in a matter of a couple of weeks. Kyle & I are really enjoying watching him in this stage as he is becoming more independent and so curious! It seems like it's just come out of no where. All of the sudden he just started doing all these fun and toddler-like things.

He doesn't want to be held for a long time (unless he's really sleepy, then he's a snuggle bug), he would rather be on the floor playing with toys and exploring his surroundings. His new big thing is to put his toys inside of his toy drum. He thinks it's so fun! And he is so inquisitive when he does it too. Tommy loves to play with his toys, and things that aren't his toys on the shelves in our family room. By the way Tommy is now 16 months old (have to include that for my memory's sake). I've had to start putting his diapers and his Q-tips on top of the shelves so he won't throw them all over the room. Exploring has also lead to the start of disciplining - he really only gets in trouble for playing with the curtains, playing with cords, and the newest trying to pull standing lamp down. We've moved most cords so he can't reach them but somehow he always seems to find one. He likes to wrap them around himself and tries to chew on them. He initially didn't respond well to "no" at all but he is starting to get the hang of it! If we follow the "no" with a command, like "drop it" or "let it go", he usually follows our instructions. Then I try to praise him but sometimes that sends a mixed signal like it's a game so he starts doing the bad behavior again. But over all I'm so pleased with his improvement in listening to us when we're being stern.

He is talking so much more! He is communicating very well without using any real words! He makes a noise of affirmation when he does want something or he will smile. If he doesn't want something he has a noise that will some day soon turn into "no" and he turns his head away. Sometimes he does the noise and facial expression together, other times it's one or the other. He has been talking a lot more in public now and that's really fun! He tries to tell everyone hi at the grocery store, it comes out "eehh" most of the time, every once in a while it sounds like hi! Grocery shopping probably takes an extra 20 minutes just for Tommy to visit with all his fans at the grocery store. They aren't ever the same people, although I won't be surprised when we start to have new repeat friends b/c he's always so sweet and shows off for people who talk to him. One thing I've learned though is that he likes strangers at a distance. He does not want them to touch him. He'll turn his head away and move away if they try to touch him. I am 100% okay with this! I love watching his interest in people though, it also encourages me to take him places with me even though it may be more work. He will try to yell "eeh" down the aisle to people that are not even aware he's there! So cute!

He now has four molars (two top, and two bottom), one front top tooth and the other is just poking through, two front bottom teeth, and he's still working on more. 

Tommy gets slap happy before he goes to bed and it is sooooooooooooooo fun! He will crack up laughing and it makes me laugh so hard! I absolutely love it! And then I get great snuggling time, that is until Daddy notices that Tommy's tired and ready to cuddle, then he takes him away so he can enjoy it too! I think it's sweet though, I get a lot more time with Tommy through out the week.

He is also starting to try to climb. He's pulling up in his crib like a champ now! I think that's made him a lot stronger. We put a couch cushion on the floor with a toy on top and he likes to get up and get it. He's super close to being on his hands and knees but isn't quite there yet. He will take steps if you hold him under his arms and he'll take some steps if he's holding onto your fingers. Tommy has some new sneakers he's been wearing too, he thinks they're a toy but has adjusted well to them.

We love our sweet boy and enjoy seeing his personality come out more and more all the time!

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