Monday, August 15, 2011

Mushy Monday & other things going on in our household

Sunday was a great and very busy day. We were all (my parents, Kyle, Tommy, and myself) running on little sleep. Granny Jane had a panic attack late Saturday night and it definitely threw me for a loop because I was there for the worst part of it by myself. But Kyle got Tommy and came down quickly to help and my parents drove quickly because none of us knew what was wrong. But what Granny really needed was my mom and dad and then she started to calm down immediately. The Lord is so kind to us in our situation of living just a few houses down from Gran. Granny's had shingles for a couple of weeks now and between the pain of that and being cooped up in the house taking strong medicine, we think it got to be too much for her to handle. Anyway Sunday was an already planned busy fun day, so less sleep made seem a little busier. First, Kyle and I worked in the nursery with the 1-4 year olds but we also got to work with a couple of other guys since we combined the ages, so that was definitely nice and made the load lighter for us all. It was especially nice for me because I felt like I got to talk to more adults and to get to know the guys a little better. Then we had a birthday lunch for my dad! He turned 57 this year. My mom made a DELICIOUS lunch - roast, potatoes, carrots, squash, mashed potatoes, gravy, hawaiin rolls! MMMMMMMMM! So good! And for dessert we had Blue Belle Vanilla Ice Cream and a double cookie cake (aka - double doozie) from Sam's! For my dad's birthday we got him an assortment of teas from the Asian Grocery store near our house. He's a big tea fan. So far he's enjoyed tasting them all. His favorites are the Chrysthamum Honey and the Artichoke tea. I couldn't begin to tell you their real names?! After lunch Tommy & I went to celebrate the coming of his BFF Cameron David Lewis. We went to a baby shower for my best friend Sarah/Critter. It was so fun to get to see so many friends and the shower was beautiful. The food looked so good but I was STUFFED from lunch so I didn't try any. Tommy had some though and greatly approved.

All in all Sunday was a very eventful and fun, family, friend filled day! I LOVED getting to rub and pat Critter's belly and Cameron always kicks nice and strong so I can feel him! I love pregnant bellies! My sister Jeanne has one too and I go crazy over it when I see it!

Tommy is now 16 months old. It's a very fun stage but I'm feeling a little lost. Mainly in the sleep department. He's been at a weird, in between 1 and 2 nap stage. Well this week I tried making the transition to one long's come back to bite me in the butt. He now thinks he only needs one, one hour nap! AAAAAAAH! No way jose'! So tonight he went to bed early and we'll try again tomorrow. That's all I can do, go with the flow and try to get him back on nap schedule. Tommy has gotten way more curious lately and is exploring lots of things. He is actually learning discipline very well at this point (I hope it lasts). It's taken a good month/month and a half for it to sink in. Sometimes he will respond very well to a stern "NO" and other times it takes a little more. He still thinks "NO" is a funny word. But I am so thankful that he's beginning to take me more seriously. I always praise him when he does well and he loves that. Tommy has started wearing shoes. Not all the time but we're getting him acquainted and he's had no problem with them (apparently some kids do). He thinks they're a toy and he looks like such a BIG BOY in those little tennis shoes. I love his little socks b/c they look just like Kyle's but in miniature form! So cute! Oh another area I'm lost with him recently is eating?! He's a super good eater but he's becoming more finicky about it. He'll have days where he will hardly eat and drink anything and it makes me very uneasy. Obviously he isn't going to starve but for some reason I feel like he is. And I know he'll eat when he's hungry but it does worry me when it happens. He lost a few ounces at his last DR.'s appointment and it made me a little concerned about his heart. But we got to the cardiologist in a couple of weeks so we'll find out then. As that appointment gets closer the more anxious I feel about it. The anticipation of finding out news, unless I know it will be good, is usually harder on me than the actual news itself. I continue to pray every night, asking the Lord to heal Tommy's heart if that be His will and I hope that it is His will. I know God can do miracles but I don't think the hole has or will heal. You can feel Tommy's heart beat is different, it has some extra swooshing/beat to it and the cardiologist told me last time that's the overflow of blood into the other side of his heart through the hole. I still feel it but I'd be more than thankful for God to surprise me and heal it!

Kyle is about to start back to school, he is enrolled in three classes but may drop one. He's going to go to all three this week and depending on the workload and our finances he may drop one. This would be the best semester for him to take less b/c Tommy's surgery is anticipated for the fall. I love my husband and how he has his priorities straight. I can't remember if I wrote about this before or not. Anyway, I asked him if he thought he should take less classes b/c of Tommy's surgery and he said he hadn't thought about it. And then I said, well as long as I'm at the hospital you can go to class and work as long as nothing is wrong. Assuredly he responded without a second thought, "If you and Tommy are in the hospital there's no way I'm going to class. My grades aren't that important." He is so good at putting us before other things. I always know I can rely on him.

My mushy moment would be taking my baby shoe shopping for the first time! We were walking through Payless looking for something to go with his shoes b/c of their BOGO sale. I was trying to find some shoes for me and as I walked down the aisle Tommy kept kissing me on the cheek, unprompted. So very sweet. He's so precious and he loves me so much. I'm glad he does! Because I love him so much. While Tommy may not remember anything about me taking care of him at this age, we've laid the foundation of our relationship that he will remember. He knows I love him and I'm here to take care of him. He's my baby. And I'm glad he is!

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