Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mushy Monday on a Tuesday!

I went to bed early last night so I didn't get to post my mushyness! Well this week I had some emotional challenges with Tommy's cardiologist appointment approaching. This year we had a sermon on sharing your burdens with other Christians and asking them to help bear your burdens. This is something that is out of my comfort zone but I felt very burdened by the anxiety of Tommy's appointment. I talked to Kyle about the way I was feeling first. He is an amazing husband and b/c he is so good at helping me bear my burdens he is usually where I stopped.

But this time I did share my burden with my family and friends and I am thankful I did. The Lord has given me a huge peace and I also feel like I don't have to be as worried about showing my true emotions. I strongly prefer not to cry in front of people but as my sweet husband shared with me, I have to get over it b/c I am going to cry about Tommy's surgery in front of people. We both know I will so getting over it now will help me not worry about it then.

God is so good and I am so thankful that Jesus is there to intercede on my behalf. Thank you for praying for us. Specific ways you can pray are for - Tommy that he would be healthy before and after surgery, that the surgery will be successful and he would have a quick recovery, and for our family to have peace and to rely on the Lord and His sovereignty. We are so thankful for good heart surgeons in Louisville & modern medical knowledge and technology to help mend his heart. And that Tommy has been so healthy and has been able to wait so long to have surgery.

I'll post updates on the details we find out next week.

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