Monday, August 29, 2011

Surprising Cardiologist Appointment

Tommy was born with two holes in his heart. One pin hole called a VSD that the cardiologist thought would close on its own and an ASD which is a significant hole in the lower part of his atrial wall.  Well the VSD closed up about 9 months ago (2 appointments ago) and the ASD is highly unlikely to close without surgery. We have been told since Tommy was born that he would have to have surgery before he's 2 years old to repair the ASD. About 5-6 months ago at our last cardiologist appointment the doctor told us we would be taking pictures of Tommy's heart & getting the ball rolling for his surgery before RSV season (which starts in November) at his next appointment.

Well today was that appointment. The doctor did an echo and said everything looked good and he was very pleased with Tommy's growth. We sat in his office and chatted for a little bit and then he said he'd like to see us again in 6 months. At this point Kyle and I were so confused. I knew Kyle was about to say something so I let him go first. And he asked for clarification on why he was pushing for surgery this fall and now we're waiting another 6 months. Then the doctor explained that since Tommy's VSD closed, we didn't have to worry about irreversible damage and as long as Tommy keeps growing we can wait until next year to do the surgery. The doctor also said if we want Tommy to have surgery now, he can b/c he shows no signs of it closing and it's highly, highly unlikely for it to close but he would suggest waiting b/c the bigger the heart the easier it is to work on.  I then asked, well if he's still gaining weight at this point next year, would we wait longer? And he said, yes. So basically we were extremely shocked to find out that Tommy will not be having surgery this fall!

We are so grateful and thankful that Tommy is healthy and doesn't have to have surgery yet! There is a part of it that's difficult b/c I was emotionally prepared to schedule his surgery and it will still be looming in the back of my head but I'd much rather my baby be healthy and not need surgery yet. And I will continue to hope and pray that the Lord will close the second hole in Tommy's heart!

We go back in 6 months and from what we were told today, as long as he continues to gain weight we are in the clear for a little while longer. And to make sure I am clear, b/c some people were confused by a text I sent earlier today, Tommy still needs surgery, he just doesn't have to have it yet.

Thanks to everyone who has been praying and please continue to!

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