Saturday, September 7, 2013

Kind of proud of my husband...

Actually to say kind of proud is a complete understatement.  He just started back to school, more hours at work, and out of the blue we just had some major plumbing issues that he completely dominated, all while expecting a third child any day now!  Here are the details.

So ever since we've lived in this house our tub drain will begin to drain slower and slower.  We've used Drano in the past and it's helped, temporarily.  Well before we had company b/c of baby Ella's (still) anticipated arrival, I wanted it to drain faster.  So I purchased some Drano and asked Kyle to put it down the tub drain since I'm pregnant.  It actually made the problem worse.  Instead of a slow drain, there was no drain, standing water.  So we go downstairs after the boys are in bed and start trying to figure our what to do.  Kyle takes off one pipe, and it breaks b/c it's so old and tries to snake the drain.  He got out a pretty good clog but we could see there was a whole lot more nastiness that has accumulated over the years.  So he proceeds to take of another pipe and it also breaks b/c it's so old.  I was starting to get very worried b/c I didn't want to have to worry about the expense of a plumber for us or my parents (b/c they own the house).  But Kyle was very confident he could replace the pipes.  It was a lot of work.  He had to take two days off of work and worked for many hours, took several shopping trips, and did lots of research to fix the problem.  And he did it!  Praise the Lord for such a hard working husband!  But honestly more than the work he did, while it was extremely impressive, I was most and am still most amazed at his attitude through out the whole process.  He never once got upset with me for pushing him to use the Drano, b/c he really didn't want to.  Kyle was so positive, calm, self controlled, and patient through the whole process.  He never raised his voice when things went wrong, he never even got frustrated.  I mean really, this is not how I would have functioned b/c he ran into a couple of different issues that ended up being troublesome and time consuming.  And I can say this b/c I know my family would agree, but my family would not have been able to handle a big and potentially expensive project with this much grace - we don't always react the prettiest under great stress and pressure.  It was seriously a time of watching my husband where I could appreciate the gifts and fruits of the Spirit that are evident in his life.  He's handy, he's patient, he's self controlled, he was encouraging to me when I was able to help in some small way.  He was an excellent example to me of how to handle pressure and adversity and I'm so glad the boys (and soon to be Ella) have that example to see as well.  Even though they aren't old enough to notice it right now (especially since they were sleeping during most of the work) they have an extraordinary example of a father that the Lord has blessed them and me with. 

This was a big project, and here are some pictures of all Kyle's hard work.

 The old drain pipes, where the breaks began.

This is what it looked like before (look at the long green/brown pipes).

The pipes are now gone, he had to cut them all out since they were breaking off.

New drain pipes (this is replacement of the first picture shown).

After three days or hard work he is about to put in the last piece!

 Look at that!  Much prettier, cleaner, and now gunk free pipes!

And here's the guy who did all that and stayed happy completing the job!  I'm so proud of him and so thankful!

*Disclaimer - my husband is not available to help others with plumbing issues, apart from letting you know Drano doesn't always work ;)


Monday, September 2, 2013

Mushy Monday - We're about to have another baby!

So Ella is almost here.  Any day now.  Thursday night we celebrated with the boys, enjoying our time as a family of four.  We got KFC, the boys had some caffeine free root beer for the first time, we had DQ Blizzards, and we watched the first Curious George movie.  Every since then Tommy has been signing asking for Curious George the movie (even though he prefers the 2nd movie), and asking for various treats - ice cream, cake, etc.  So funny!  I keep telling him that was a special celebration but he apparently wants to keep celebrating.

Ella's last ultrasound went well, she is now looking like an average size baby, not a giant!  Once again we have no good ultrasound pictures b/c she was literally facing away.  Thanks baby girl.  I am 38 weeks and a couple of days.  The past couple of days I have had significantly more energy, which has been awesome, and I'm trying to put it to good use.  Lots of cleaning and getting things ready for baby girl.  One of the things I love about being pregnant is how a perfect stranger can feel like a genuinely excited friend!  I love the sweet congratulations and joy people have when they ask me questions and find out I'm due soon.  What other time does that happen in life?!  I do think that I will have her some time this week, just b/c that's what I think, but who knows (besides the Lord of course!).

Tom has been trying to talk a lot more.  It's super sweet.  Sometimes we have to quieten him down b/c he gets a little loud.  This is sometimes a challenge for me b/c he doesn't talk like most kids.  He makes a lot of noises and strange sounds but he's trying to talk.  The part that is a challenge for me is when it calls extra attention to him, I'm afraid people will think he isn't "smart" b/c of the sounds he makes.  That sounds weird/stupid that I feel that way but that's just the easiest way to explain it.  Obviously I know he's extremely smart and I can pretty much interpret what he's trying to communicate a good 99% of the time, but others don't know.  And that's the part that's challenging, not to worry what others think, if people know him and are around him they know how smart he is.  I could be over thinking the whole thing.  As he talks more in public it is getting easier and I pray that the Lord would help me to handle any uncomfortable situation with grace and in a way that glorifies him.  I am excited Tom is talking more and wanting to use his voice.  It's funny b/c sometimes he sounds really mad when he's not mad at all - like when you ask him to say please, if he really wants it he basically yells LEASE!! (he leaves out the "p" sound).  He's hilarious, I'm trying to teach him to say things nicely and quietly and he's catching on really quick.  Tommy is still my sweet boy who loves to be snuggled, he is obsessed with TV and would watch it all day long if we let him.  I am excited to see how he responds to baby Ella.

Silas is still quite the handful.  Remember how I said it was getting easier.  Well it all depends on the day.  He's a little spit fire.  He's talking a lot more too, making some hilarious noises and faces when does so.  When he makes the "O" sounds it cracks me up.  This boy knows what he wants and when he wants it and how he wants it and if he doesn't get it he'll make sure you know he's not happy about it.  Shew, he's giving us a run for our money.  Silas is a champion eater though - he pretty much loves a little bit of everything.  He doesn't want just one thing to eat at a meal - he likes a variety.  I do think his love for fruit has helped Tommy eat more fruit which is wonderful.  Silas is very interested in feeding himself which is super nice for me, however he is also very interested in feeding Maggie our dog.  They are a sneaky little team and they spur each other on to disobedience.  Sometimes I have to literally put Maggie in the other room while they eat so she doesn't come and tempt him by standing right next to him and he doesn't lower his hand and tempt her to come over when she's obeying and laying on the other side of the room.  Mischievous.  I know this sweet little boy is going to be quite jealous of Miss Ella, he is always wanting me to hold him when I hold other babies.  However he does hug and kiss the baby dolls he's seen very sweetly, so hopefully that's a good sign!

Kyle started his last semester of school! Hip Hip Hooray!  It doesn't seem real, and hasn't sunk in, but we're both thrilled at the idea of him being finished with school in December!  Wooohooo!

That's all for now, I'm tired and very pregnant ;)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Mushy Monday - 6 years of wedded bliss

Six years ago I married Kyle Marlette. Apart from being saved it is the biggest and best thing The Lord has done in my life!  Kyle pretty much irritates me on a daily basis, usually on purpose.  He makes me smile and laugh, sometimes even as he is irritating me, he has it down to an art.  He cares for me, provides for me and our children, he toughens me up but is kind and patient with me when I need him to be, he listens to me about serious stuff (I can't say the same for the daily menial things haha! But hey I am not always good at listening to those things either.), he sharpens me, he answers all my biblical/spiritual questions without ever making me feel stupid, he flirts with me, he is affectionate, and he is intentional to spend time with me.  I could keep listing things about him that I am so grateful for.  The Lord has blessed me immeasurably through Kyle.  I love being able to completely be myself and know that I am being loved!  There are times when I know I am getting on Kyle's nerves, for example when I'm extremely hyper and around my best friends or sisters; and there are times I can just feel the grossness and weight of my sin when I have lost my temper with Kyle; and then there are times when I'm having an extremely emotional day and I'm over sensitive and getting on my own nerves; but at the end of all those things I know that Kyle is still there to love and forgive me and that is because of the grace that Christ has extended to us.  It is hard to believe it's already been six years, but at the same time it's hard to believe it hasn't been longer.  I am thankful for the companionship and love of my husband.  And while we are waaaaaay less mushy then we used to be with each other before we were married, there is a deeper sincerity, maturity, and appreciation to our love that has grown with time and I look forward to watching it grow as long as The Lord will allow it (which I hope is a very long time b/c I like Kyle a lot.)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tortilla & iced coffee recipe

Two great recipes that I never want to forget.

First homemade tortillas.  The recipe and making them are extremely easy, but rolling out each tortilla is a little time consuming, but I have some tips!  Here's the link to the recipe I found and use
Four ingredients! I love it!  Here are my tips from research and experience - when mixing the dough, start with the flour and salt and mix them together with your hands, then add the oil and mix with your hands until it's a crumbly consistency, add a little less than one cup if just warm water not hot and mix/knead with your hands.  You do not want the dough to be really sticky and tacky otherwise it makes the rolling out process ten times more frustrating.  I use my cutting board, put a little flour on it, pull off about a small fist full of dough and roll it into a ball and then use my fingers to pinch it out into an even consistency in the shape of a circle.  Pat it down on the cutting board and put a tiny bit of flour on top so as you roll it out it doesn't stick to your rolling pin.  Roll it out very thin.  In a preheated nonstick skillet (I have found right around the 7 setting is good but by the end I have to turn it down between 6 & 7) put your dough in and wait until you see air bubbles coming up, flatten them a little and flip and shortly it's done!  This recipe usually makes about 8-10 tortillas and they're good size.  They are really good for home made pizzas and garlic cheese sticks too! (For those I make a pizza with whatever sauce and toppings we want preheat oven to 425 degrees, bake 6 minutes and then put under low broil for 2-3 minutes).  While that may have sounded difficult, it's not, the tips I added have taken me several times of making these to learn and will help cut time significantly!

Okay iced coffee, my friend Gwen from church brought this to my house and it was amazing! Now I used a different coffee the her and mine did not turn out as tasty and I don't think added enough vanilla.  I plan to get the same coffee for next time! In a large container with a tight lid, like a big Preggo jar, that's what Gwen used and left with me so now I have a container just for iced coffee!  Put 6 heaping tablespoons of finely ground coffee (she used Walmart brand decaf).  Next add 3 heaping tablespoons of light brown sugar.  Add a dash of vanilla and a tiny shake of cinnamon.  Then add 3 1/4 cups cold water.  Seal it up tight, shake it up, and refrigerate over night.  In the morning shake it again strain it out (she uses a small sieve lined with a paper towel to keep the coffee grounds out).  And the creamer she gave me was so good with it, which is caramel macchiato! I've only made this once so far and it did not turn out as delicious as hers but like I said I used a different coffee and I thinks it was stronger but it was still very good.  Thanks Gwen for opening my eyes to delicious iced coffee and creamer!  It was so good I had to share the recipe!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Mushy Monday - Brothers and Sisters

Lots of crazy things happening around here lately.  We had an ultrasound last Thursday when I was right around 32 weeks pregnant and found out Ella is doing great.  She is looking on the bigger side at this point, in the 97th percentile at approximately 5lbs 6oz! Sheesh! I knew she felt large and strong! My doctor isn't concerned b/c she thinks Ella will even out to about the 70th percentile as time goes on, we'll check again when I'm 37 weeks pregnant. Again Ella did not cooperate for any cute pictures, she's camera shy.  The boys never looked that large in ultrasounds but we're thankful she's big and healthy!  Sleeping is getting more difficult, probably b/c she is so big.  She likes to squish my lungs way more than the boys ever did.  We're looking forward to meeting her but we're also thankful for a little more time to prepare for her arrival.  We plan to do something small and fun with the boys before our next ultrasound on August 22nd, just in case she's still ginormous and I have to be induced sooner than anticipated.

A couple of sweet memories I want to capture on here are of Tommy and Silas' growing friendship. Don't get me wrong here, they aren't always best friends or happy to play together, but there are times they really enjoy each other.  The other day Kyle and I saw Tommy chasing Silas through the house, and Tom was chasing Silas the way we chase him (Tommy).  He was going slower intentionally to give Silas a chance to get away and has his arms out wiggling his fingers like he was going to tickle him and going "aaaaaaaah" all the way down the hallway!  Silas was eating it up, giggling and running while to look back to see if his brother was gonna get him! One of the most precious things I have ever seen!  And then just a couple days ago Tom was sitting on the floor and Silas got his sippy cup and backed up and sat down in Tommy's lap.  I asked Tom if he was holding Silas and Tommy wrapped his arms around Silas and held on tight! So stinking cute! Then Silas wanted up right away b/c Tommy was holding too tight. Those brief moments of innocent brotherly love melt my heart! I don't want to make it sound like they don't usually get along, for the most part they really play well together but it's not always those cute "aaawwww" moments, make sense? Hopefully it does.

I've been trying to be intentional to stop and actually look at my boys and just appreciate their little faces.  I'm just amazed at how much Tommy has changed and how handsome he is, I LOVE when he flashes me a cheesy grin!  And Silas is growing up so fast, his baby look is fading into that of a little cute boy! He is learning the same cheesy grin of his brothers and it makes me want to eat him up!  Speaking of Silas I wanted to document that at this age, 14 months, he is getting really good at playing independently, starting to feed himself, and overall is feeling easier to handle (as far as not always needing my attention to be happy).  I don't know if this is the typical age for that or not, but I wanted to remember with Ella that it will get easier!

One last thing, the other night the women from our church got together to celebrate and say goodbye to one of the pastor's wives b/c they are moving away and while it was sad to say goodbye it was such a fun, sweet time with friends.  It had been far too long since I was able to participate in something like that and it made me feel so rejuvenated.  That may sound weird but I actually got to hang out with girl friends, with no kids, when I wasn't exhausted (b/c let's face it, Sunday mornings are exhausting and also consumed by your children so it's no where near the same).  I seriously don't know the last time I enjoyed myself so much.  I went home feeling like I was back in college, haha!  It was wonderful and it reminded me I need to be intentional to do more things like that, I think as a mom sometimes it can feel like you lose some of your personality b/c as smart as my kids are their sense of humor is me making a silly face and chasing them around the house like a monster.  That's fun and I wouldn't change it for the world, but I enjoy being able to laugh with adult friends and have real conversations. It was so fun!  I am very thankful for such sweet sisters in Christ!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mushy Monday - Sweet seconds

So I've come to the realization that I have lived and currently live most of my life looking forward to the future.  As a little girl I couldn't wait to get married and have kids.  Once I was married I loved it because I love him, and then I couldn't wait to have kids.  Now that I have kids I keep looking forward to the things they'll do when they're a little bit older (i.e. sleep in, do chores, a better amount of two way communication, etc.)  Well I've come to realize thinking that way and looking forward to what are great things, means I'm not always appreciating what's happening right now.  So I've been praying for an attitude of gratefulness and contentment in enjoying what's currently happening.  I don't expect every second of every day to feel like this, I am definitely looking forward to when Silas has all his teeth, nothing wrong with that.  But I am trying to recognize the small things that happen now that will not happen in the future that I absolutely cherish.

Which gets us to some of the sweetest seconds of my day.  During most meals, where I pretty much feed the boys b/c Tommy no longer wants to feed himself since Silas is still being fed by mom, I mean how is that fair? What is he three years old or something ;) ?  Anyway meal times usually go one of two ways - extremely smooth with two fantastic eaters, or pretty rough where I can't wait for them to be done and mommy then needs a little space.  Sometimes a lot of encouragement, high fives, cheering, dancing, singing helps.  Well along the way Tommy and I have started a tradition.  He'll give me a couple of fives and then he lets me hold his hand for a few seconds.  Those are some of the sweetest seconds of my day.  I know he wants to be holding my hand b/c he has no problem taking it away when he's finished.  I love to hold his sweet tiny hand in mine.  It seriously feels like the world is standing still for just a second while my baby boy lets me love on him. 

The other thing about Tommy is his increasing enjoyment of me making silly faces.  This has been growing for a long time now but I LOVE IT! I love to make him laugh and to be able to do that by just making a stupid/goofy/frozen face - it's pretty fantastic.  And I love that it's something we can see the connection in his mind - he knows I'm being silly and he loves it.  A goofy face with tickling = a great belly laugh from Tom!

Silas baby is just growing into a little boy!  He started dancing this past week - just like his big brother dances! By spinning in circles!  It is so cute!  We always figured that he would follow in Tommy's dancing footsteps but we didn't know it would happen so soon.  Silas has some mad walking skills.  However this week has been pretty funny b/c he's been walking around like somebody slipped him some alcohol.  We're thinking he might have some fluid in his ears, Benadryl seems to be helping with his tipsy walk, hopefully it doesn't lead to an ear infection.  Silas has also grown extremely fond of Maggie and Maggie loves him the most of all us now, b/c he pays her the most attention.  He walks up to her all the time and pats her and says "dog".  He loves when she wags her tail and he's standing behind her and it's hitting him in the face. Haha! She is part Husky so her tail is fluffy and fans and tickles his face.  We've also been noticing that Silas' personality is very much like his daddy - I am his favorite person ;) (humble I know but I'm really just stating a fact) and he is definitely a homebody.  When he is in a crowd the boy clams up and looks very serious.  Kyle doesn't do that but he loves to be home and he is always exhausted after a social event.  I remember one of the things I loved about Kyle when we were dating was that he was quiet a lot around other people but he always talked a lot to me, and to this day it makes me feel very special to know he is so comfortable around me, I kind of like being his favorite person b/c he's mine too.

In other Kyle news we were finally able to go on a date! And I realized why we don't go on more.  Planning the logistics of a date is stressful to me.  Any other mamas feel that way?  Kyle thinks it's cake and doesn't understand why it stresses me out but that's probably b/c I have to think through the logistics more than him.  We saw a movie, had dinner, did a quick shopping trip, and got milkshakes.  It was really nice to have some uninterrupted time with him and is worth stressful planning.  It's crazy to think back to a time before Tommy and Silas and how easy it was to go on a date - that was a wonderful time too but I am always thankful to come back to my sweet baby boys, they make my life feel so much more meaningful!  So whatever stage of life you are in, single, married, without kids, with kids - there are perks to all of them - don't take them for granted and enjoy some sweet seconds in your day!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Mushy Monday for Christina ;)

So obviously I'm really good at taking time to write blog posts each week.  My cool tatted bff Christina reminded me it had been a while so this is a post written for her.

Speaking of Christina she made sweet Ella a precious tutu! I am seriously soooo excited about having a girl!  Christina made me hair bows, a hair bow board, and now a tutu! I'm thrilled!

Okay so a couple of precious things I want to make sure I document - Silas took his first steps on June 1, 2013 and now as of June 24, 2013 I would say he is officially walking!  He walks more than he crawls.  It has been so fun to see him learn how to walk so quickly, it's a total new experience for us.  With Tommy he took his first steps February 14, 2012 but wasn't really walking until about a week after Silas was born which would have been the end of May 2012.  That's quite a lengthy journey.  And Kyle also got to see Silas' first steps so that was even more fun.  Since Silas is our 2nd kid we also knew some ways to encourage him to walk more, but tried to let him go at his own pace too.  June 1st he took several steps because I tricked him by slipping my fingers out of his hands and then I guess he felt a little betrayed and scared and wouldn't take any more steps for a couple of days.  Silas is a walking champ though!  He can turn completely around standing up, carry heavy toys across the room, and drink from his sippy cup and walk at the same time!  He's got skills!  Silas recently (about a month or so ago) went through a very, very fussy stage - like a 2 week pretty much inconsolable phase.  I was exhausted and sad.  But since then he has returned to himself (it was after his MMRV vaccine and he was teething sheeewweee it was tough) and I am LOVING it/him!  I always, always love him, but I seriously LOVE to enjoy and like being with him!  He has become my little shadow, which most of the time is sweet, and he has turned into quite the snuggler!  Silas is a mama (and nana is also approved) boy, he has specific times when he only wants me, Kyle will not suffice.  Silas makes me laugh, gives precious peck kisses (where he literally is like a bird and will just peck really fast with his mouth closed but lips are not puckered), he walks with his arms out groaning/talking and looks like Frankenstein, he's starting to dance, he just flat melts my heart!  To any moms reading this and not feeling this way about your kid and feeling guilty, please don't think I always feel this way - during those two weeks I was not loving him being a mama's boy, while I knew it wasn't his fault he was acting that way I could not console him in anyway and a person can only listen to so much crying/whining before it starts to wear them down.  But praise God for phases and that these times do not last!  That's what I kept thinking and praying and hoping for - the end of the phase!  I knew it wouldn't be like that forever but in those days it felt like it.  And I sincerely love enjoying my kids!  That and enjoying your husband - nothing better!

On to Tommy boy! My boy is growing up!  Quite literally - he is growing like a weed!  Clothes are getting shorter and shorter on him.  Tom is also my snuggler!  He is starting to make more noises with his mouth and trying to mimic us more and we love to hear him try to talk.  Tommy has become increasingly more interested in playing with Silas but especially now that Silas is walking - Tom totally notices a difference in him.  Silas is apparently much cooler now, who knew?!  One of Tommy's new favorite things to do is to take Kyle's house slippers and put them on his own feet and walk around.  It is adorable (not to mention really good exercise for him b/c his feet are tiny and Kyle's shoes are huge, they're hard for me to walk in).  Anyway it just makes me think of the analogy of how Tommy will want to grow into a man like his daddy, and want to fill his shoes some day.  What a precious site to see two of the skinniest little legs and feet coming from some big old brown house slippers scooting around the kitchen floor.  And to be like his daddy he does have some big shoes to grow into.  Tommy also likes to repeat EVERYTHING Kyle does - if Kyle coughs, Tommy pretends to cough, if Kyle spits out his toothpaste, Tommy pretends to spit out toothpaste,  it Kyle burps, Tommy pretends to burp, if Kyle stretches, Tommy stretches.  It's so stinking funny!  I love it!  We have noticed recently that Tommy is reverting back to some younger behaviors b/c he sees Silas doing it - he's whining more, has taught himself how to fake cry like with tears, and refuses to feed himself when he sees me feeding Silas.  Oy vey!  Oh well we know it's only temporary and while it has/does frustrate me at times it's not worth it, Kyle said once Silas is feeding himself and Tom sees us praising him, he'll start too just b/c he wants our attention.  On a funny note I have noticed there is already a competitive nature in the boys, when it comes to toys but especially our attention.  I want to encourage them not to feel competitive towards each other but I also at times try to use it to my advantage.  Tommy has just recently started hating get his fingernails clipped, he used to be a rock start at it, anyhow I was trying to cut his nails and Silas came up whining at my lap wanting me to hold him.  And I said, "Oh no Silas it's Tommy's turn to get his nails clipped, you can be next."  Tommy completely relaxed and let me cut his nails! Haha!  Oh goodness - these boys are too smart for their own good!  Tommy is such a sweet helper too - he likes to "help" me get up off the floor or couch by pulling me up, he throws things away for me when I ask, and he helps me clean up the toys.  He is a great example for his younger brother and soon to be sister!

Kyle is doing great, we are enjoying him not having any classes since it's summer time.  He only has one class left in the fall and then he is finished - he is getting his Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling.  It has been so nice this pregnancy to feel his support and to not have to explain everything to him all the time.  He's a pro now.  Compared to my pregnancy with Tommy when I would tell him I felt sick or smells bothered me, blah blah blah he'd always question if it was just in my head or if it was really the pregnancy.  Understandably so - I also wondered the same thing a lot of times.  But now he gets it and is so patient.  There are days when I feel way too hormonal and emotional and I hate it.  I cry at the drop of a hat and I just feel unhappy for like a whole day.  And all I have to do is tell him - I feel like my hormones are really out of whack today and I hate it, I know I'm being emotional, I'm sorry, I'm getting on my own nerves.  And he just listens and understands and is patient with me.  I think it helps him too, to know that I don't feel like myself and especially that I don't like the way I'm feeling and sometimes as a result acting.  He's a good man.  He's been building lots of forts with the boys and they love it.  It's funny b/c sometimes I'll come out into the family room and think, "Aw man I just folded that blanket and placed it nicely on the back of the couch." But then I just smile and am so thankful my boys have such a thoughtful and fun dad!  I am happy to fold that blanket ten times a day for them to have that time together. (I don't do that but I would).  I'm looking forward to adding Ella up into this mix!  I need my girl, I am so looking forward to seeing her sweet face and getting to know her individual personality - I love knowing her gender, it has made this pregnancy so different and made me feel so much closer to her.  I love to call her by name and hear the boys say her name.  She'll be here before we know it!  By the way girlfriend has some muscles and stretching skills!  My belly is constantly moving from her kicks and punches and various karate moves. 

For my own memory record - 7 months pregnant is when I really start showing my belly off to the world, when my hips start to get uncomfortable, and when I feel TONS of movement.  The end.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My calling into a life of entertainment

I never expected to be an entertainer for a living, you know singing and dancing to make others happy.  But then God blessed with me with two beautiful boys who demanded it from me! The other day I was singing to Silas to get him to eat his baby food and I realized I might do more singing through out my day than an act in Vegas! Haha! Vegas has got nothing on me ;)

We have our daily dance parties and sing alongside, Silas is even starting to try and imitate the motions which is beyond adorable! These boys keep my days entertaining and silly to say the least. Thank The Lord for curtains so no one else witnesses my insane mommy behavior.  Overall I love it! I love the singing and dancing.  Sometimes it gets old and sometimes I get tired, or Ella gets tired, or both, especially with dance parties. I have two handsome dance partners who love to take turns being held while dancing cheek to cheek or spinning and running around the room.  Oh please tell me there won't be a day when my sons don't want to dance crazy with their mama! That's unheard of.

Some other sweet things from this week, Silas now folds his hands when we pray! Doll baby!  He is also going to cause me to start having gray hair.  He is all boy! Climbing and falling off of things, and I have to let him fall sometimes so he can learn to stop doing what he's doing.  That is so against my nature and gives me a put in my stomach when I watch, he's always fine and that's part of the problem.  He LOVES to climb in and out of Tom's car bed, he can climb in great because he lands on a mattress.  The climbing out is a different story, he basically teeter totters over the edge with his body planked straight like a board and falls on his face.  He doesn't cry, he doesn't care, but mommy hates it! I have tried teaching him better ways but really he just isn't tall enough yet, so I supervise his falls/face plants.  Silas is also starting to respond to discipline, discipline to our family can be anything from talking sternly to a spanking.  And let me tell you this boy it testing the waters! He can now climb up into Tommy and his chair, the adorable ones from Pottery Barn.  Well he likes to stand in it, at first we just let him stand in it but then it was apparent he's not quite old enough to be aware of his surroundings, and that falling backwards over the arm rest isn't gonna work out well.  So he works real hard, climbs up in it, and E.V.E.R.Y. Single time he will turn to look at you to see if you're watching to see if he can stand up.  He has such a mischievous look I his eye too. I think he's going to give us a run for our money!

My sweet husband picked me flowers from outside this week! They are beautiful and smell so good! It was very thoughtful and sacrificial, he was wounded multiple times in the process because they all had thorns.  He did an awesome job arranging them too.  He's cute. I like him a lot.

My Tommy boy is just growing like a weed! He is such a big boy and I cherish all the hugs and kisses and snuggles I get from him every day! He has started to give really good hugs and completely on his own he will gently go up and wrap his arms around Silas to hug him. Melt my heart! He also wants to hold Silas now, Silas doesn't enjoy it and it's hilarious because they're so close in size Silas looks like he's squishing Tommy. Oh Ella girl you are in for a treat!

I love my boys and I can't wait to meet my girl! Correction I can wait, I'm just looking forward to it!

Friday, May 10, 2013

To be or not to be surprised?!

Well with both Tommy and Silas we did not find out their gender before they entered into the world. This time around we wanted to change things up and find out if we were having a boy or girl and see what it was like.  Well as most of you know we are blessed with a sweet baby girl, Ella Christine!  I am absolutely thrilled!  I was hoping for a girl, Kyle was hoping for a boy so he could have the trifecta! He said his first thought when he heard it was a girl was "boyfriends". Which is hilarious b/c neither of us even remotely thought that would be what would run through his mind.  Kyle will most definitely be protective of his little girl but it isn't something he has really put much thought into.  We both got a good kick out of that.

So basically the reason we decided to find out this time was b/c we had never found out before and to see if it helped us feel a closer bond to the baby before she was born.  As of right now Kyle and I both prefer finding out while pregnant!  I am somewhat shocked at this.  The actual moment of finding out was fun but also short lived.  So that part made question initially if I liked it better.  Overall I love being able to call her by name, and teaching the boys her name.  I love being able to have clothes ready.  I love knowing her a little better than I would have if we were surprised at her birth.  I do think the anticipation of finding out when you have them is fun, so I'll update at some point after she is born how I felt afterwards.

Ella girl is doing great so far.  I am currently 22 weeks along and she weighs about one pound.  She is a wiggle worm and has some beautiful big ears!  I told Kyle if they're real big when she comes out we might have to change her name from Ella - b/c it's close to the word elephant.  But I'm not worried, they look ADORABLE!  She does have or possibly has what they call an echogenic focus in her heart.  It is of no consequence to her hearts function - it's basically a bright spot in her heart that is a mineral deposit.  It used to be a sign of possible chromosomal issues in the past, but is no longer seen as a connection.  Anyhow b/c of that we did go ahead with the new and wonderful testing they have for DS - our doc called it the Harmony test.  It is non-intrusive and is very accurate.  All they did was take a little blood from my arm and within ten days we had the results, which came back great!  A lot of people ask us how we feel about testing for DS after having Tommy, whom we had no testing done with.  Our views on testing have definitely changed.  Accurate, non-intrusive testing seems like a wonderful option to us.  That is with the disclaimer you are not having the test done to decide if you want an abortion.  If it is simply to get prepared, prepare yourselves, your family, and most importantly doctors for the birth - then we think it's good.   I'm not really sure why anyone would have an amniocentesis any more - if it is a possible harm for your child - no way jose!  Anyway back to Ella and her heart bright spot - we had a special ultrasound with a high risk doctor - he said he isn't worried about it and doesn't even know if he would fully classify it as an echogenic focus.  They don't think she has any health issues from what they can see. 

What's funny is Silas had what is called choroid plexus cysts on his brain when he was in the womb - again of no consequence to the brains function or development but an old sign of DS.  It basically increased his chances of having DS from 1% to 2%.  They often go away towards the end of the pregnancy, and his did.  The new Harmony test was not available back then, as far as we know, and the doctors did not think he had DS.  Anyway the funny part is both Silas and Ella have had some sort of little red flag that might point to DS and Tommy had none!  I think that's so interesting!  The doctors have said that as technology gets more high tech they are able to see so much more, so sometimes they see things that are nothing, but they check it out just to be sure - and for that we are grateful.  And we love to see our babies as they grow in the womb!

In other news - I have a three year old?! Say what?! Yep and he's as cute as ever! He is getting so big - he just moved up to some 2T clothes! Woo woo - I know other mom's are like, huh - my kid wore those when he was one year old.  Well a perk to a kid with DS - they wear the same size clothes and shoes for a loooong time and it saves us money honey!  Silas is literally starting to wear some of the PJ's that Tommy just outgrew.  He isn't a giant but apparently he's growing faster than Tom did.  Silas boy is almost one year old! Give him 11 days and he's there.  Oh my.  My love for this sweet child just grows immensely as I get to know him better and see his personality more.  Silas is a goofball and just wants to mimic his brother all the time.  He is so smart from watching Tommy and watching us with Tommy.  He's teaching himself sign language. 

Okay I'm off to enjoy the rest of the boys' nap time.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mushy Monday - Circles of Life

I'm not quite sure where to begin this post. Trying to think where to start has already made me cry. Oh pregnancy hormones. I'll start with what sparked me wanting to write this. The boys and I were dancing in the family room, yet again. And the song, "I want to hold your hand" came on. So we're dancing. I had Silas in my arms and Tommy dancing close by my feet - spinning in circles. And I remembered singing a line of that to my Papaw Daimon many many times. I honestly don't remember when I started singing it to him but I know I sang it a lot after he was in the nursing home. I would like to sit by him and hold his hand and I would sing, "I want to hold your haaaand, I want to hold your hand." And he would usually sing it/say it back to me. That is a precious and dear memory to my heart. So I told the boys as we danced - mommy used to sing this with your Papaw Daimon. These baby boys are already spoiled rotten, I can only imagine how crazy Papaw would have been about them. Granny Jane will say stuff like that a lot - I wish Papaw could see them, he would be so proud, and then she always says but I know he can from heaven. I thought it was pretty great to think about how the song had come full circle and we were making some new sweet memories dancing to it and I liked that it gave me an opportunity to tell them about Papaw Daimon - even if they won't remember it right now.

I love how things like that can take us back to memories and cherished time with our family.

I also want to remember a few things from this past week or so. March 19th, Silas pulled up to standing! He isn't doing it a lot, but he wants to so bad. He's trying to pull up on everything but doesn't quite have the balance. He also has started shaking his head no - he doesn't do it to really say no but it's really funny. He knows the sign "more" and we think he knows "eat" and "all done" - which is kind of crazy b/c we haven't really been trying to teach him. March 21st was World Down Syndrome day and was a sweet and fun day just to be thankful and celebrate people who have a third copy of the 21st chromosome - hence the date 3/21. Silas also turned 10 months old on 3/21, and I FELT THE BABY MOVE! HIP HIP HOORAY! I love it! It was bittersweet thinking this might be the last time I feel my baby's first movement. I am feeling, thinking, and praying about us making this baby the last we have by birth, hopefully to adopt some time in the future. Clearly the Lord may have other plans so I guess we'll go with His! Haha! It's just harder being pregnant with more kids, I want time of not being pregnant or always having a new, sweet baby while they're little, I feel like three and some day four is the amount of attention my mind could focus on and that seem to be the max. I don't want to be spread so thin I can't enjoy and invest in them the way the Lord commands us to and the way I want to.

Tommy and Silas have been playing so much together. They are so sweet. It is however a constant battle trying to teach Tommy not to take E V E R Y toy from Silas. It's driving me a little bonkers, not gonna lie. It's one of those things that it's impossible to police all the time - I can't wash dishes or go down the hall way without hearing Silas cry and coming back to find Tommy standing over him with the toy that was in Silas' hands when I left the room. Sheesh la weesh. Hopefully with time it will get better. If not Tommy's moving out. Haha! NEVER! My boys will always want to live with their mom. Wait, no I don't want creepy mom loving adult men. I want responsible, Godly, wanting to live in the same neighborhood, who cherish and appreciate and love their mom men. :)

By the way may I encourage you to write your spouse a love note this week?! Thank you b/c I'm going to anyway. Make it short, make it long, write it however you want. Just take the time to give them something tangible to see that you appreciate and love them. Encourage them with your words and be sincere don't just try to be romantic. Something that I would write to Kyle may not seem romantic to others but could have deep significance in our relationship - like Kyle bringing me home a bite size candy bar or snack size bag of skittles. That's romance to me baby - one of my favorite forms! I just think love notes are nice, for me it's easier to write out mushy things then to say them and I know I have Kyle's focused attention, as opposed to when I'm talking and there's other things going on or he's not in a serious mood and starts joking around (which I've totally done too.) It also makes you, the writer, slow down and really think about the things that person does that you love, admire, and appreciate. It's nice. It's encouraging. Pray for them too before you write it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I hate autocorrect!

I apologize for not rereading my posts before I post them! Sheesh! I am thankful for help with misspelled words but using the word Illinois over million - really?! I'm tempted to go back and change them. But I don't really have time for that. Sorry I'll try to do better. It drives me crazy. The end.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mushy Monday - Milestones

Somebody has been overachieving this month. And his name is Silas! He can now sit himself up, crawl on his hands and knees, pull up to his knees and trying to pull to stand, plays peek-a-boo, and has added bye bye to the sounds he can make. Way to go buddy! I was riled when he figured out how to sit himself up! He had been getting so mad every time he'd fall from the sitting position to his belly. Then on my sisters' birthday, March 6th, he got up on all fours and accidentally sat back on his bottom! Then the next day he didn't do it all until the evening, and then he had it figured out.  It was this that led to him figuring out ow to really crawl too! He just accidentally did it a few times and it was a slower progression the the sitting. It took a couple of days to get into the full swing of it but now he's got it down. However his belly crawl is at super speed so he does still do that when he's in a hurry!

The other night I put the boys to bed and I could tell Tommy had gotten out of bed. I heard from their bedroom, "bye, bye,bye, bye" it sounded just like Tom. Much to my surprise it was Silas! I love that they sound just alike! So stinking cute!

Also the boys have been starting to make noises back and forth to each other in the car. Sometimes it's bye bye, sometimes it's just eh, eh, eh. I wish I could video these things, but then it wouldn't be safe to drive with me on the roads!

I think Tommy has noticed the difference in Silas' physical capabilities. He's been playing with him a lot more. The other night they were both in the kitchen playing and I was laying on the family room floor watching from a distance. I was loving just observing them together. They were playing and making each other laugh a little bit. Well then Tommy starts a new game. He ran down the hall and hid next to the bathroom, and Silas was at the other end of the hall and he couldn't see Tom when he'd go by the bathroom. Them Tommy would run out laughing and Silas would start cackling! Again I wish I could have video it, but I knew if I moved I would ruin the game. And some things are sweet to have in our memories and not always on video or in pictures. But I would hate to forget these sweet moments. I would especially like to replay them during those difficult days or weeks, and to think on the good times.

I haven't talked about Kyle in a while - I still like him, I still love him, I still think he's super handsome. Haha! All true! I am very grateful for him. I did the 31 days of praying for your husband cards that are from a book about that (I'm pretty sure that's the title of the book so to write it again would be redundant. And I just got to use the word redundant) I really loved how intentional and specific the cards were as to what to pray for him on that certain day. I plan to do them again next month and focus more on praying through the scriptures for him that are on each card. Kyle is always a great support to me, he listens when I talk to him about serious things, he answers my Biblical questions without making me feel stupid or beneath him - even when some of them are stupid, he is always quick to fix anything I bring to his attention that is bothering me, he has taught me how to be a much better communicator than I ever knew possible, he makes me laugh - a lot, and he just flat out brightens my day. I miss him when he's gone and always look forward to him coming home. The Lord has blessed me with an incredible husband and the boys with a wonderful father.

Pregnancy wise I'm feeling like a crazy woman. I'm still getting lots of headaches, starting to get nauseous again but no throwing up, my belly aches for the muscles being stretched already, I'm hormonal, and food is still somewhat of a struggle. Sheesh. I feel like the typical pregnant woman that you see portrayed on TV. I'm not such a fan of the fact that I feel this way. I don't like to be emotional, I don't like to be picky, and I like to feel normal. But babies are worth it and it won't last forever. But sometimes it feels like it will last forever. Haha!

Okay the end! I'll be sure to update after my doctors appointment, which is today! I should have the date for our ultrasound, where we find out if we are having Ella or Abra! Just kidding, still no boy names picked out.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Newly learned mommy tips coming at ya!

1.) Before brushing your baby/toddler's teeth rub the toothpaste into the toothbrush. That way the clump of toothpaste doesn't just fall off in their mouth and they swallow it, you'll actually get some foaming action.

2.) Buy fresh fruit, cut it up, label a freezer bag so you can reuse it for that fruit, and freeze some goodies for your teething baby. Use those little mesh eating bags and your baby will be entertained and get a healthy, gum soothing treat. I just learned this from two good friends, Critter and Emily! Love mommy friends and their wisdom!  By the way bananas are suuuuuper easy to do this with.

3.) If your toddler can stand very well independently teach them early to enjoy showers. This was very helpful a couple of months ago when Tommy had the stomach bug. It makes cleaning off diarrhea about a Illinois times easier. And it's quick.

4.) Nursing is not birth control! Haha just kidding I know you know that I just had to throw it in there to make myself laugh. It worked.

5.) Make cleaning up toys a fun game! Praise your kids when they do it and start by asking excitedly - do you want to help pick up some toys! Tommy loves it! And honestly it's more fun for metro pick them up with him.

6.) When your toddler is taking a bath - clean them real quick at the beginning of the bath, then pull the shower curtain almost shut, but still where you can supervise, and let them splash like crazy! This was a good tip from my friend Patty!

7.) Pray and sing with your kids before bed. We've found teaching Tommy to fold his hands when we pray and doing songs with motions make it really fun and interactive. He loves being able to participate and he knows which songs we sing. He will start doing the signs for the next song right after we finish the last one b/c he's so excited. We used to sing a couple of songs that didn't require motions, I actually did this until just recently, but Tommy likes being able to "sing" along. Also it is a great routine to get them in the habit of knowing after this, it's hugs and kisses and I go to bed. We sing the songs, "The B I B L E", "Our God is so Great", & "Jesus Loves Me". They are short, sweet, and true! Our Pastor Adam Embry has always done a great job of expressing the importance of singing easy worship songs with your kids as a part of family worship.

8.) Try to ask your toddler for help with things you usually do on your own. I'm really bad at this for a coup,e of reasons, I just don't think of it, and it makes doing easy things harder. But seriously seeing how proud Tommy is to help me is totally worth it! And clearly it teaches him to do things. The other day I had Tom help me make sweet tea for his daddy. We have a tea maker so it's pretty easy. Tommy loved it! And Kyle made sure to thank him and make a big deal over him making his tea for him.

9.) Give your babies lots of big hugs and kisses! There are days I forget to do this! Kids need affection. And some day they won't be so easily accessible and they won't want you to be so affectionate. Be intentional to love on them for their sake and yours!

10.) Try not to over think things. We're trying to figure out if it's time to start disciplining Silas in some manner but figuring out which way is effective is going to be a little bit of a task. I'm sure it was with Tommy too, and I know The Lord was kind to give us guidance and to clearly show us what Tom responded to best. So I pray and know He will do the same with Silas. It's funny b/c they always seemed like light bulb moments with Tommy and I'd think why didn't I think of that before?!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mushy Monday - Fairy Tales

So this week has been much better. You'll be happy to know I sang loving songs to my kids this week , to my sweet Silas I sang - I like you, I love you, I want some more of you! Yeah he was definitely feeling better, and so was this mama!

Man there's nothing like a good run of sickness ands crankiness to make you appreciate your children's sweet & regular personality!

Well the other day Tommy and I were dancing, one of his favorite past times. Silas was napping. And Tom loves for me to pick him up and hold him while we kind of fast, slow dance - if that makes any sense. He loves to spin in circles and for me to run around like we are doing the tango and run into random things, like the window, the fridge, or the TV. Anyway Taylor Swift's song "Today was a fairy tale" came on. And while we were dancing Tom just leaned and gave me a big ole sloppy kiss on the cheek. Unprompted by me. And I just thought, man today has been a fairy tale. And then I just thought of how my definition, which was once like Taylor's that she's singing about in her song, has completely and totally changed.

A fairy tale to me is no longer this sweet, romantic day with Kyle. Not that it wouldn't be nice and I'd love it. But a sweet, wonderful fairy tale day is one where my boys are joyful, content, and just flat out precious! It means good family time, and then in my dream fairy tale I'd get to go out with their daddy on a date alone, all in the same day. But that day I had good family time and cherished time with my boys. They weren't perfect. Tommy got spankings that day and many corrections - in fact lunch time was a battlefield that day. But it was filled with multiple moments and good chunks of time that I felt like I truly enjoyed being with my boys and nothing else in the world, apart from Jesus, would have been better.

I love to see them smile. I love to hear them laugh. I love to watch them play. I love, on those days, that I'm the most popular person in the house. There's really no contest. Haha just kidding. I love their sweet hugs, snuggles, and kisses. Yes my Silas boy now gives kisses, sometimes I get head butted in the process, I heard my nose make a cracking noise the other day. There is just nothing like it. And I know that I appreciated it more because the week before was so hard. Praise God for His goodness and mercy.

Now clearly we can have multiple definitions or ideas of what a fairy tale is or could look like. I think it's really fun to think about all the different things it can mean. But before my baby boys, Kyle was the only one giving me kisses in my fairy tale and he was the only one I was dancing with. How blessed am I to get to add two, going on three, little ones that I get to dance with and get kisses from?! I love it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mushy Monday - diggin deep

I'm going to have to dig deep into my memory to find some good sweet moments that my boys had this week. Haha! Yes it's been one of those weeks. Sick kiddos, sick mama, and now a sick daddy! Silas boy has been beyond a handful, he has an ear infection, a viral infection, and now his very first tooth!

Something very precious this week was hearing both, yes both, my boys say the name Ella! Lord help us to have a sweet baby girl Ella! If not then let us have a happy Abracadabra! There is a part of me that doesn't feel as scared to have another kid b/c quite frankly Silas hasn't been the easiest of babies. However I do realize it could be much worse. So lets all join hands and pray that this child is more content and laid back than precious Silas boy. Amen.

When Silas isn't sick he is wonderful at playing on his own. I'm amazed by this kid. His speed. His curiosity. His strength. No kidding he is a toddler in a nine month old body. He tries to play with the dishes in the dishwasher. He belly crawls down the hall after the dog. He wants any and every toy Tommy or any other kid has and will fight for it. He might just be a genius some day. I'm a little frightened for when he gets older. He's smart, strong, and has a temper. Should we hold hands again and pray?! Haha! He's as handsome as can be! Many times this week I have looked at both Tommy & Silas and just been taken back by how good looking they are! Man they're handsome! In case you hadn't noticed.

Tommy boy has been a handful at times this week too. Once he got his antibiotic his fussiness subsided quite a bit but he still has his moments, and hours. He's very much into touching everything that he's not supposed to, I always felt so proud of his obedience I leaving things that weren't his alone. Well we've hit that stage. I know curiosity is good for him but I mean it's easier for me without it. Haha just teasing!

In all seriousness I truly truly love my boys! Trust me if I didn't love them I wouldn't still be here after this week. Although I have started singing some pretty crazy songs this week - like "mommy's gonna run away, mommy's gonna run away, mommy's gonna run away. Very far away." And "bedtime, bedtime, it is bedtime. Mommy's favorite time of day." And tonight I made up, to the tune of a pirate song, "what are we gonna do with three kids, what are we gonna do with three kids, what are we gonna do with three kids? We're gonna go insane!" Sounds mean? Well the kids don't understand the words yet, they like me singing, it keeps me light hearted.

Sadly I know some day my boys will be all grown up and weeks like this will be a distant memory. I am thankful I get to be at home with them and to care for them when they are sick. I look forward to having my funny, playful, healthy boys back soon, Lord willing.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


We are having our third little baby! So whenever I find out someone is pregnant I have lots of questions that run through my brain so let's see if I can answer anything you might be wondering.

Yes this baby was a big surprise.

Tommy is 34 months old and Silas is 9 months old. When the new baby comes Tommy will be 3 1/2 and Silas will be 16 months old.

My due date is September 13th, 2013 and I am currently 11 weeks along.

We will be finding out if our little one is a boy or girl this time! Woo - fist time we're ever finding out so this has made me super excited. I am hoping for a girl, Kyle thinks we're having a boy. We should find out mid to end April.

We are very happy and very excited, truly, even though this was not what we had planned. God clearly has a plan for this child's life and we're excited to see what it is.

If the baby is a girl her name will be Ella Christine, if the baby is a boy we have no idea what the name will be. Tommy has suggested Abracadabra.

We do not have a set number of children we'd like to have it honestly I would be A Okay with three little blessings. I say that now but time will tell. And clearly it is not just up to us.

Yes we do know how this keeps happening.

So far family and friends have been super supportive and encouraging when we've shared the news and we are very grateful for that. When I first thought that I might be pregnant I felt a little embarrassed thinking people would think we were being irresponsible. But we know God is in control and His will is better than ours, and we know He says children are a blessing, and we agree!

I have been feeling pretty good, nauseated at times but overall it's been tolerable. I am tired but it seems like I have more energy this pregnancy than I did with Silas. I have started getting the dreaded tension headaches that I got with both boys but warm showers to loosen my neck muscles and caffeine seem to help the most. With Silas Benadryl helped tremendously but not this time around.

I am having a lot more difficulty with food this pregnancy. It's insane. Things that I usually love sound repulsive and I can't eat it. It's becoming difficult, annoying, and wasteful. Something will sound good, I'll make it, take a few bites and I can't eat it. It's gross. This is so sad because I love to eat. I need to eat but sometimes it's so discouraging I wait as long as I possibly can.

I am still nursing Silas. Breast feeding is not birth control. Poster child right here. Yes the doctors and nurses warned me, but what do they know? Haha! I am weaning him now, we're down to one feeling a day and soon I will be finished all together. I'm super pumped about this! (For all you moms out there wondering, I was nursing four times a day when this sweet surprise happened, he was eating baby food too though)

I have no clue where we are going to put this third cold. Our house is perfect for our family of four but will be cramped with five, but that's okay we're blessed to live here for such a good deal ;) right mom and dad?! (They own the house we live in and are very generous landlords. The best I've ever had!)

We will be looking into getting a better minivan, we have a suuuuuuuper used van that is running out of steam and is really only used on occasion.

The boys are really excited. Just kidding, they have no clue what's going on, but if you ask Tommy if he wants to be a big brother again he says "yeah". He also says that if you ask him if he wants a spanking. ;)

I think that about covers it. The end.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Mushy Monday - Tommy's sickness

January 28th 2013 - the first time Tommy ever threw up, and I wasn't even there. I took they boys to spend the night with my parents last Monday night, only to return to pick up Tom about two hours later. He was committing, had diarrhea and wanted his mama. My mom said after he threw up he pointed at the door and was whining and she said you want mama? And he said yeah. Poor pitiful Tom!

I rushed to pick him up and felt so bad that I wasn't there when he got sick. He threw up for a little under 24 hours, got a fever, and then had horrible diarrhea for a few days. If you think this is gross, you didn't have to clean it up, and please don't feel pressured to read this. It really is for my memory sake. This is the sickest Tom has ever been. I took him to the doctor on Wednesday and he said it was the stomach bug and to do culturelle which is a kids probiotic powder to get his belly back on track. (FYI much cheaper at Walmart then it is at Walgreens, lesson learned). The doc said I could give Silas the probiotic too (1/2) the amount to try and help his stomach not get it. So far the rest of us have been spared, praise The Lord and pray that continues!

Tommy got so weak he couldn't walk, his little legs would just shake and wobble and give in. Today, a week later he just got his full appetite back but is still to weak to walk more than a few steps. But you can tell he feels so much better! When he was sick we would hold him and he would just scream & cry and there was nothing we could do to comfort him. It was awful. He slept a lot. We put the pack n play in the family room & he would sleep through us talking, watching to, etc. he was wiped out.

I am thankful that he has never been this sick before and I wish he would never be this sick again, but it's bound to happen. It broke my heart to see my boy in so much discomfort and to not be able to help him. But I am so glad that it was temporary and he's doing great now! Thank you Lord!

So I can't remember if I posted that Silas started clapping and signing more last week! And I'm too lazy to go back and read before posting, so oh well if I repeated myself! Silas is trying to actually say more too. It's pretty cute. It's crazy to think that Silas will probably talk and say words before Tommy. It will be weird but so fun! It was so sweet the first day Tommy got back on the floor to lay around, rather than always being in our arms & being purposefully separated from his brother, you could tell they missed each other. So sweet. And Maggie missed Tom too!

My parents were so kind and selfless to help while Tommy was sick. My mom kept Silas Tuesday, which allowed me to focus on caring for Tommy & my dad took Wednesday off of work to come and help me ALL day while Kyle was gone to class (it was his first day of class otherwise he would have skipped to help me) & work (which he had almost missed two weeks of from him having a horrible cold & some of his students being sick). Pap Pap used his vacation time to help me, and I would not have made it through the day without him, literally! Tommy wanted to constantly be held & I can't do that & feed Silas. Poor Silas was neglected some this past week but we're trying to make up for it now! Thank you thank you thank you mom & dad! You are the very best!

My sister Jennifer came over Friday night to help too! It was so nice to have a visitor and she entertained Tom & gave me a break. She went and got him his own ice cream sundae from McDonald's too! She kind of spoils him. Just a little bit.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Wonder of the Cross

This is probably my favorite song. If you can listen to it and not raise your hands - you're crazy. Here's a link to listen to it - I like the song without the video (personally). 
Wonder of the Cross (By Bethany Dillon and Matt Hammitt)

Oh, precious sight, my Savior stands  
Dying for me with outstretched hands 
Oh, precious sight, I love to gaze  
Remembering salvation's day  
Remembering salvation's day
Though my eyes linger on this scene 

May passing time and years not steal  
The power with which it impacts me  
The freshness of it's mystery  
The freshness of it's mystery
May I never lose the wonder  

The wonder of the cross  
May I see it like the first time  
Standing as a sinner lost
Undone by mercy and left speechless  

Watching wide eyed at the cost 
May I never lose the wonder  
The wonder of the cross
Behold the God man crucified  

The perfect sinless sacrifice 
As blood ran down those nails and wood 
History was split in two  
Yes, history was split in two
Behold the empty wooden tree  

His body gone, alive and free  
We sing with everlasting joy  
For sin and death have been destroyed 
Yeah, sin and death have been destroyed
May I never lose the wonder  

The wonder of the cross  
May I see it like the first time 
Standing as a sinner lost
Undone by mercy and left speechless  

Watching wide eyed at the cost  
May I never lose the wonder  
The wonder of the cross  
May I never lose the wonder 
The wonder of the cross

Mushy Monday - Dancing

I had hoped to share some videos of the boys but apparently this great website won't allow it. My blog may soon be looking for a new home. Boo - frustrating.

Anyway there is a super sweet story from this week that I wanted to share anyway. Tommy loves to dance! Usually it consists of him spinning around and around and around in circles until he gets really dizzy and basically falls down. He'll "snap" (tries to snap) while he spins, he claps, he shakes his hands, he points his fingers in the air, he'll pat his legs, he'll pat his head - all while spinning. It's pretty darn cute. Well his love started out for dancing when I would hold him and we would dance but we don't do that as often any more b/c frankly it wears me out. It's good exercise. Yesterday I had Pandora on - Tom loves oldies music, it's his favorite. Anyway I was sitting in the recliner b/c I had a headache and my sweet baby came up to me and took both my hands and was asking me to dance with him. Melt my heart. I couldn't resist. I picked him up and we danced around the room. Some day this kid might be too cool to dance with his mom. I say might b/c I mean really - can a mom get much cooler than this?! Haha just kidding! I know he won't always want to dance with me. But I felt like he was such a little gentleman how he came up and gently took me by the hands. Precious boy.

Sweet Silas baby is doing all kinds of things this month. He started signing "more" (especially for puffs) and clapping his hands today! My little chubby cheeked man! He is a cutie pie!

Tommy also figured out how to climb up his slide this week! Woohoo! Kyle brought his slide in from outside - I cleaned it off - and Tom's been having a ball. It's fun but it takes up way to much room in the house. Some day we hope to have a big play room where we can have fun things like that in the house all the time.

Here are my little sweetie pies! Getting so big - Tom is 2 years and 9 months old and Silas is 8 months old here.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Mushy Monday!

Sorry for no pictures recently, the IPad won't let me upload them on the blog. Boo. I'm currently not in a mushy mood the past couple of days Silas has been fussy. Not all day, praise The Lord, but for a good chunk of time here & there. He was just fussing up a storm before bed, one of those nights your not sad to put your kids to bed. Tom has been great though, I think The Lord is so kind to me in that its typically only one kid struggling at a time.

Ok my mushy memory is Tommy's new found love for our dog Maggie. He goes over to where ever she's laying down in the house lays flat on his belly & gets face to face with her. So cute! Then he sits up & puts his hands out for her to lick, then his feet, then he puts his head down because he likes her to lick the top of his head not his face (thankfully). It's like he's her little puppy & she's giving him a bath. It somewhat grosses me out at times but it makes them both happy & it's super cute! He loves to pick up her chew toy/bone and take it to her wherever she is in the house. And he likes to take it away from her & tease her with it. She is always so gentle & sweet to Tommy too. I hope Tommy has one of those really sweet & close relationships some people have with their pets, for some reason I have never experienced that but have always wanted to.

I also look forward to a time when the boys will care for Maggie & I don't have too!!!! I don't wish the time away though, it blows my mind that Tom will be THREE years old in April! It just doesn't seem possible!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The grass is green on both sides!

I have been thinking about how Tommy has an extra chromosome. Usually when you have extra of something it's a good thing. Extra brownies = always a good thing. Extra money is pretty nice. Extra time is always a plus. But this extra chromosome Tom has creates challenges for him & makes typical things harder for him. Doesn't that seem weird? Something we can't see inside of his body that he was born with makes it harder for him to speak, to have natural coordination, etc.

Anyway it has been such a blessing to have Tommy with DS and Silas without it. The Lord is showing me that the grass is beautifully green on both sides! I am thankful for Silas' insane muscle tone, that he is belly crawling, able to hold a cup, babble three distinct noises (mama,dada,nana). But at the same time I feel kind of bad for Silas because to be honest his accomplishments aren't quite as exciting. And it's not b/c he is the second child, it's because with Tommy we had to work sooooooo hard to help him figure these things out & some he still can't do (the babbling). I am proud of Silas! He is so strong, handsome, and smart - just like his big brother! I am continually amazed at how Silas figures out how to get to the toys he wants & then play with that toy for such a long time! I have found myself saying to Kyle - man it just doesn't seem fair, parents that don't have kids with special needs will never know what a miracle it is that their kids can figure these things out so quickly & virtually on their own. So I am blessed to see both sides - to see how through time & effort we can teach Tommy to do all of these things & to learn patience & how amazing our chromosomes are to function in our body & tell us how to do everyday things - like using our hands together (that's a big challenge for Tommy right now.) And then with Silas I get to see how his chromosomes make him genetically inclined to figure these things out. It's amazing! And don't get me wrong I get excited when Silas does new stuff but it is different, and different is not bad.

I have also been learning why it is that so many moms of kids with DS seemed so "sensitive" before. It's b/c a lot of people who don't have the opportunity to know or get to know Tommy will only see him as having DS. I don't know if this will make sense to everyone else or not. But if you know Tommy he has such a sweet, funny, and individual personality! Basically you don't know Tommy unless you spend time with him. So just b/c you know things about DS does not mean you know Tom. Does that make sense? I think that's the way it comes across a lot, that b/c people have a family member, friend, or just "love" people with DS does not mean they know Tommy. That would be like saying oh I know a boy, so I know Silas. No you don't.  Because Silas is a specific boy & Tommy is a specific boy. Now granted there are common "boyish" traits - being rough, tough, mischievous. And there are common DS traits too but there's a lot more to it than that. Anyhow I'm thankful for this better understanding & ability to relate to other moms who have kids with special needs. And the majority of the time Tommy doesn't seem like he has special needs to me.

God is amazing how He designs our body to function! Don't forget to thank The Lord for the many things you do each day without even thinking about it, and the many things your sweet children do too - special needs or no special needs. It is truly amazing! The grass is beautiful! (Too corny? I don't care!)